March 11th, 2011 (#787)
Alan Watt "Cutting Through The Matrix" LIVE on RBN:

Poem Copyright Alan Watt March 11th, 2011:

Infection of The Body, Culture Change Lobby:

"Our World Planners are Cheerful, All Elation
Over Success of Their Plan, Public Degradation,
Nearing Goal of De-criminalizing Paedophilia
Whilst Rushing through Entertaining Necrophilia,
Frankfurt School and Others have our Thanks,
Marxists Who Lived Well on Donations from Banks,
Backed by Presidents and Each Prime Minister,
Promoting Moral Takedown by Methods Sinister"
© Alan Watt March 11th, 2011

Poem & Dialogue Copyrighted Alan Watt – March 11th, 2011 (Exempting Music, Literary Quotes, and Callers' Comments)
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Hi folks, I’m Alan Watt and this is Cutting Through the Matrix, on the 11th of March, 2011.  For newcomers to the show, look into website, and bookmark the other sites you see listed there.  These are the only official sites I have.  If you see sites elsewhere on the net anywhere, there’s quite a few actually, with my name on it, they’re not mine.  So, these are the official sites.  Remember, you can bookmark these sites for future use, because sometimes, a lot of folk go into the .com site at the same time for downloads after this broadcast, and they find that there’s maybe some sticking, because there’s so many going in.  So, try these alternate ones if you have that problem.  And remember, they all carry audios, hundreds of audios, for download.  And they all carry transcripts in English, for print up of a lot of the talks I’ve given.  And if you want transcripts in other languages, go into  You’ll find that on the .com site as well, the link to it.  And take your choice from the bunch offered there.


And remember too, you’re the audience that bring me to you, because I don’t bring on the advertisers as guests, and that’s generally how hosts make their show, make their money I should say.  And that’s okay, but as I say, sometimes it tends to compromise you with various products and so on.  You become kind of commercialized.  This way it’s easier for me, in a sense, except for financial reasons, of course, it’s not easy at all.  I depend upon you, the listeners, therefore to help pay to keep me going here.  The ads you hear on this show are paid to RBN, that’s the Republic Broadcasting Network, to pay for the broadcast, the airtime, and their staff, and equipment, and their bills.  So, you can help me out with mine by buying the books and the discs I have for sale at  And hopefully, that will help me tick over a little while longer, because things, as you know, we’re all going through this new, post bank-crash, post-bailout planned recession into austerity, of course, with inflation, just skyrocketing.  And new taxes, all the time, especially in Canada.  Our value added tax is called GST, which is now joined, that’s what they call it, harmonized with the PST, the Provincial Sales Tax, and they’ve just put it up for its second increase in the last three, four months, so, it will continue to rise to match Europe, eventually, until we’re paying about 27% on everything.  That’s what’s coming.  Anyway, you can buy the books and discs and so on, as I say, at, to keep me going.  From the US to Canada, you can use a personal check.  You can also use and international postal money order.  You can use cash, send cash, and you can use paypal.  You’ll find the button on the .com site, and all the sites I’ve got listed there, and you can follow it up by an email, with your name, address, and order, and I’ll get it out to you.  And remember too, that straight donations are definitely appreciated, because they trickle in.  There’s not nearly enough.  And everyone else leaves it to someone else to do it, and that’s how the whole thing works, unfortunately.  I’ve watched so many hosts go down in the past trying it this way.  None of them succeeded.  But, of course, I’m a bit crazy.  I’m from Scotland, so that’s just something that I try to do.  Scotland is the champion for lost causes. 


What I talk about here on this educational talk I like to call it – rather than a show, or a program, because I don’t want to program you, and it’s not a show; a show is something to do with entertainment – is to show you basically the system in which you live, and how it’s designed, and how literally you’ve been trained, just like a serf in the Middle Ages, to believe that everything was quite normal.  And your education system is part of it.  Your parents are part of it.  They pass on their own indoctrination to you, their own understanding of the reality that was given to them, and then education takes over, and then, of course, the media keeps you entertained for the rest of your life, and programs you at the same time.  So, I try to burst that bubble and show you the true reality.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, we’re back and this is Cutting Through the Matrix.  Tonight I’ll put up a link to a video.  It’s another John Pilger video, and it’s called Breaking the Silence: Truth and Lies in the War on Terror.  And he goes into what really is going on in Afghanistan and so on, after 9/11.  And he talks about the pipelines, of course, the US pipelines, across there etc, and the building of bases, and of course, all the catastrophe.  He also goes into the New American Century group that were in charge then, with Bush, and the cohorts, who talked about pre-emptive strikes back in the 1990s.  And this is all part of their plan for basically empire building.  He doesn’t mention it of course, because it was an earlier documentary, that Rumsfeld congratulated Obama recently on the fact that he’s continuing the same war.  Actually expanding it.  So, it’s just the same old same old thing, because there are no independent separate parties.  They have to keep everyone voting, and to keep us all at each other’s throats, and hoping and hoping for the best, for your side, for whatever side you think you belong to. 


Because that’s how the world is run.  It’s all propaganda, public relations.  There’s only one dominant minority, and there’s always been one dominant minority.  You find people like Carroll Quigley talk about them, the Huxleys talk about them, both Huxleys, and Russell, etc.  They all mention the dominant minority.  These are the ones who create the first governments, generally by force, force of arms and slaughter, and take over.  And over time, they bring in their own, even in older times, their own form of public relations, where they train generations that this is all quite normal.  And you pay taxes to the guys who collect money.  And they make all the laws, and it’s all quite natural.  After a few generations it appears to anyone that it’s all quite normal.  It doesn’t dawn on them that it’s really a very powerful wealthy group who run, not just their country, but now it’s the whole planet.  They went out to get the resources of the world, as I say, back in the days of Cecil Rhodes and before he came along, in fact.  And today, this big conglomerate, this world conglomerate are simply gathering up all the resources, including the water that’s under Iran.  No one talks about the water.  They have one of the world’s biggest aqueducts under Iran.  And believe you me, everybody around there, that region wants that water, because water is a resource, a very expensive resource in those areas.  And they’ll be using that once they take over, they want to take over Iran, obviously. 


And what I’ll mention tonight, too, and I’ve mentioned this before when I went through the military, the US and the British militaries’ think tanks projections for the next thirty to fifty years.  They were both identical, actually, and they’re in my archives section at  And they mentioned about eventually the world order would come to pass.  There would be a form of world government for a while, but not forever, even.  And eventually you would have some major city-states that would run the parts of the regions, the regions of the world they happen to live in, major city-states, well armed, high tech, and I presume there would be barbarians around them, the way that they want it to go. 


And if you look at what’s happening for instance in Britain and other countries of Europe now that they’re under this new Soviet, which again, remember, the Soviet was for World Communism, and Lenin himself had said that the dictatorship wouldn’t last forever.  Eventually Communism would blend with Capitalism and a middle way would be found.  They call it the Middle Way, and that is a form of Socialism that runs the greater masses of the people for the fascists at the top, the same dominant minority.  And Socialism is far better to work the people because it creates such a massive bureaucracy and government agency apparatus over the public that their lives are run by them eventually.  And then you become dependent upon them as they take away all your work to other countries and so on, and you are more and more dependent on your own governments.  The very people who abuse you, you turn to for help.  That’s standard with all abuse systems. 


Getting back to this idea of Communitarianism, it was first mentioned by Bush Sr.  Communitarianism is a form of again, this Soviet-style Socialized system, where you’ll live in your own area, down the road.  You’re supposed to be self-sufficient as much as possible down the road.  And you’ll all be delegated to your work.  The division of labor is all part of this, and they’re doing it already in England, as they decentralize authority.  They’re also selling off chunks of the country.  And that will happen across the whole of Europe.  And eventually, once the job is done in the Middle East, then the US and Canada as well, and probably Australia and elsewhere.  And it’s going to go further than that.  And I’ll read a little bit of this article here, that doesn’t mention.  It tells you part, like all articles, they tell you a partial truth but they don’t tell you the rest of the story.  That’s intentional.


The Mayor of London meanwhile led a party of three delegates from the Greater London Authority. 


Nice work if you can get it.  Local Budgets are cut and Boris Johnson and 100 councillors head off to the Riviera.


(Alan: Now, they’re slashing everything in the UK, including what’s left of the National Health Service, and it says:)


• Mayor of London leads party to Cannes conference costing £1,300 per person


• Manchester spends £60,000 to send 13 officials... as it cuts £26million to libraries and swimming pools


(A: And a lot more too.  Then:)


• Newham sends 13 as it cuts £100m from budget


(A: And then it says:)


Manchester Council is paying about £60,000 to send 13 officials to the Mipim event in Cannes which is billed as one of the property industry’s biggest trade shows.


(A: So, it’s really for massive real estate.  I’m talking about massive real estate.  Because this Mipim is across the whole world, including Asia, and they sell off chunks of countries, sometimes whole countries.  This is literally the big boys taking over, completely, on behalf of the big bankers, of course, who end up owning the show.  So, here you are in austerity, and these guys are off to one of these very expensive shows.  It says:)


Around seventy people from local councils and municipal bodies will attend the conference, plus about forty from urban regeneration agencies.  But with local authorities implementing millions of  pounds worth of cuts, news of the trip will anger many. 


It has emerged that Manchester Council has laid on a free private bar for delegates, and set up several themed areas, just weeks after it announced that libraries and swimming pools would be closed and garbage collections are cut in a money saving effort.


The Mayor London meanwhile led a party of three delegates from the Greater London Authority.


That’s only part of the story.  And they spent a lot more than just that.  They get a lot more expenses on top of what they’re telling you here.  But, that’s not the thing.  Here’s the thing here, because, here’s a speech that Boris gave.  It says:


The world's big cities are already bursting at the seams (A: Now this Agenda 21 for those who don’t know what he’s talking about here.  He won’t mention it.  He won’t mention the Millennium Project or Communitarianism) but are set to grow even larger, with experts predicting that some 70 per cent of the world's population will be urban by 2050.


(A: Actually, it’s to be more than that, according to the UN.)


This will put great strains on infrastructure and the environment, and presents a major challenge to city planners, developers and mayors who gathered here this week at MIPIM, the world's leading annual real estate event, to look for the best way forward.


"The future of the world lies in cities," London's mayor Boris Johnson told a packed auditorium at the opening day of MIPIM Monday.


(A: Now, I’ve told you, that is the agenda, to get you all off the rural areas, under Agenda 21.  And the only farms in the world that will be left will be the big international corporational farms that they have by the big five agribusinesses.)


He was among leaders taking part in a "mayor's think-tank" here, who say they are increasingly starting to work together in looking for urban development initiatives to improve the quality of life for their citizens.


(A: What liars.  What liars.  Because, I’ll tell you what’s going to happen down the road, you see.  Once you have Communitarianism in the big cities, and so on, or your region within the city, because you’ll all have zones, they’re going to sell these cities off.  They’ve already basically taken away any country called a nation, a sovereign nation, under this big new Sovietized Economic Union, with its own super parliament.  And they will, down the road, sell off the cities.  As I said before, the military’s report said in about 2050 or maybe before, after World Government, there will be a few major megacities that are high tech and so on, across the world.  It didn’t mention nations at all.  Post-national, basically.  Anyway it says:)


"We have to keep putting the village back into the city (A: We have to keep putting the village back into the city, he says.  Right?) because that is fundamentally what human beings want


(A: Well, no it’s not.  They never did want it in the first place.  Even when they brought in the corn laws and taxed all the little farmers out of existence, and dumped foreign grain on them, to get them into the places like Manchester and Birmingham to work the factories for the big capitalist boys.  So he’s telling a lie here, this is what folk want.  Isn’t it amazing, one of the definitions, you see, the scientific definition of government is really a legislator which legislates the will of the people.  Have you ever, ever known of anyone who’s been consulted on any plans that are ever made and any laws that are passed?  Never.  It doesn’t happen, because, you see, it’s all a con.  It doesn’t exist.  Never did exist.  The dominant minority exist.  You find it when they all turn round and bail out bankers and casino gamblers basically on the stock market who didn’t lose a darn thing, of your money, using your money that they borrowed from the same big bankers at the top, the International Money Lenders, and put your next ten generations down of children to pay it off, which will never happen.  You can’t pay it off.  So, yeah, it’s the will of the people, all these laws.  So:)


"We have to keep putting the village back into the city because is fundamentally what human beings want and aspire to," (A: He says.  What a liar.)


"Cities are where people live longer, (A: Really?) have better education (A: Really?) outcomes, are more productive," (A: In what sense?  They can’t even grow a carrot.) Johnson noted, adding that cities are also where people emit less polluting carbon dioxide per capita.


What a bull’s hitter.  Back with more, after this break.


Hi folks, we’re back, and this is Cutting Through the Matrix.  Talking about the bull’s hitters, just in case anyone wants to complain, because no doubt some loony out there will, even though they’re watching it all the time in all the movies from Hollywood.  Anyway, it says here:


In 1900, around 14 percent of the world's population lived in cities, (A: And then they had of course, The Great Depression, and they got them in North America that way into the cities too) by 1950 this had risen to 30 percent (A: And that’s because they brought them in during the War to work the factories for a lot of the war machinery.)  and today is 50 percent. Currently, there are more than 400 cities with a population over a million, 19 of which have over 10 million inhabitants, Robert Peto, president of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS), told a conference here.


Much of this surge in the next 40 years will occur in cities in emerging countries such as China, India, Asia, Latin America and Africa, all of which are growing very fast, Tony Lloyd-Jones, Reader in International Planning and Sustainable Development (A: That’s another term for Agenda 21 and so on and so on) at the University of Westminster in London, told AFP.


A recent study by Citigroup published in Britain's Daily Telegraph newspaper forecast that mega-cities expected to have the fastest growing economies by the middle of the next decade include London, Chicago, Tokyo, New York, Los Angeles and Hong Kong, Sao Paulo, Mexico City, Shanghai, Buenos Aires, Mumbai and Moscow.


The whole future is already planned out, and you’re just being played along with it all.  Because you have to go into the United Nations, and look at the sustainable development, the Millennium Project, Agenda 21, or Agenda for the 21st Century.  That’s what that is.  And it’s your whole future, and your children’s future is already decided for them, in more ways than just that.  We’re already at school-to-work.  They’re using the Soviet style of tuition and so on, and government.


That’s really what we’re living through, and plus, as I say, yesterday we were talking about rewilding, the rewilding project, where they’re bringing in panthers and mountain lions and wolves and all the rest of it, into places where they were long gone, because people live there.  And they’re already wilding the place in preparation for all you lot getting shoved into the big cities.  Where, to be honest with you, I’d rather go off to another planet than live in a big city.  To me it’s just madness.  Unless you’re eighteen, and your hormones are jumping, you see, and you’re absolutely dumb, stupid, then you don’t really want to go and live in a city.  You really don’t want to go and live in a city.  Not in this day and age, believe you me, because you can’t get away from the indoctrination, even in all the ads that are flashing everywhere as you walk down the streets, as you’re totally degraded and society with it. 


Now, there’s Zachary from New England hanging on.  I’ll talk to Zachary, if he’s there.  Hello, is Zachary there?


Zachary: Hello.  Well, since you were just talking about the rewilding, a thought occurred about the big tsunami, the earthquake today.  I can see how they’ll use that as part of their agenda too, to move people away from the coast, you know. 


Alan: They will.  They’re also playing up the one nuclear reactor that they say is damaged.  And they might do a big play on that to do with nuclear reactors as well.  So, who knows.


Zachary: But, anyways, the real reason why I called in is the disturbing topic that you brought up a week ago, and then again, the day before yesterday, I think it was when you approached necrophilia, and it seemed almost incomprehensible.  I’ve been listing to your show for a while, and I understand how far people have been degraded, but I was hoping that that was more of an esoteric viewpoint that you were making, and then, just randomly, I think it was the same day you mentioned it, I listened to the show afterwards from your post and your website.  But, anyway, I was at a bar, with some random people I just happened to be invited out with for a trivia night, but anyway, this one woman that I was with at the table was discussing with her friend, I caught the tail end of the conversation, about how she saw, I assume it was on TV, about how they could put this electronic device or something in this dead body, and actually give the corpse an orgasm.  And it was bizarre that she would be talking about that.  I don’t know, it matched what you were saying there, and it’s like, I don’t know.


Alan: What you’ve got to understand, is that science, especially neuroscience, the purpose of neuroscience isn’t just to understand how the brain works.  It’s also for total control of humanity.  That’s the purpose behind neuroscience.  It’s coupled now with behaviorism, psycholinguistics and neurolinguistics.  It’s all come together now.  It’s all heavily funded by the Pentagon and so on, for total control of the human mind.  The scientists, I always get a chuckle when they give out their talks from universities.  They always come out, and the first thing they grab is a brain.  A real human brain.  And I immediately see them naked, with a bone through their nose, like a witch doctor in Africa, you know, that’s how I picture them, because that’s what impressed the people down below, you see.  And it’s supposed to shock you the same way.  This guy is so used to just handling this squashy, spongy looking thing there, dripping with viscous fluid, and it’s the same impact that they’re using upon you.  Because all they do is cut out brains and chop them up, and that is necrophilia, you understand.  Someone who spends their life in chopping up dead things, is a necrophiliac.  You see.  And the thing is they’re trying to prove too, that that’s all you are as a person.  You’re just a bunch of neurons, firing off, and everything that happens in your life happens to rattle around inside your brain; there’s nothing outside of you at all.  Hold on, and we’ll come back to this topic when you get back from the break.


Hi folks, we’re back, Cutting Through the Matrix, talking to Zach, from New England, about necrophilia.  And it isn’t just to do with the guys who love to chop things up.  These are scientists, as they like to think of themselves, who are determined to give the new theories on what makes you tick, because science is to be raised up to be the New God.  That is the rule of it all.  And you must accept it as such, that you must accept that that’s all you are is this lump of jelly in the head, and everything that you think, feel, and experience, all happens within that thing they call the skull.  And that’s all that you are.  It’s to dehumanize you, too.  And these guys, I think eventually begin to despise humanity, the more they work on their strange, this strange, if you call it work at all.  Anyway the whole thing is to do with control, as I say. 


And it’s no coincidence too, that Lady Gaga comes out, and she’s got the corpses, made a deal to do the TV show with those corpses that are plasticized from China.  And hanging in all weird positions, etc, and pretending she’s making love to them.  This is the pure necrophilia.  And it’s right in exactly with what Theo Adorno said.  Adorno said we shall bring the state of America and the West down to a state of necrophilia; then we shall rebuild it once we’ve destroyed all that was.  We’re going through it today. 


And this is an organized movement, of course, and it’s pushed primarily through academia, and through the scientists, the ones that are raised up to be the leaders.  You don’t become a top professor by your own hard work, believe you me.  Everything else in this world is the same way too.  You don’t just become president because people happen to vote for you.  There’s a lot more to it than that.  You’re picked and selected and groomed, because you know who your masters already are.  And of course, even professors live on the grants, and most of the people who push out this stuff to do with the brain and neuroscience have all had contracts with the Pentagon, even the ones in Canada, by the way.  There’ s one living not too far from me.


Zachary: Yeah.  You bring that up.  There was a video that you posted on your site, a couple of weeks ago, about behaviorism and social engineering in the 21st Century.  And I was reading a book for a class that I had that went into depth about behaviorism.  And one of the guys there that worked, a doctor, I guess I should say, at McGill University, at the Allen Memorial Institute, where they did all those experiments on people.  Anyway, one of the books, that this guy wrote, The Organization of Behavior, Dr. Donald Hebb, they when some people were commenting, they said that that was right up there with Darwin’s Origin of Species, as you know, of the utmost importance.


Alan: Dr. Hebb in fact, he’s the one who used the forms of sensory deprivation.  When you see those people who are accused of being terrorists, being rounded up in market squares for numbers, that’s all they are; just get a bunch in and interrogate them.  They put hoods over their heads, and put the gloves on them, so as they have no tactile feelings around them, and they’re cut off, and then they’re made to crouch and so on.  It was Dr. Hebb who came up with that whole agenda, many years ago.


Zachary: And it was funded by the CIA too, when you were talking about integration by the Americas.  According to the book that I read, between 1957 and 1963, I took notes here, it said that the CIA funneled $20,000 to that institute.  And it all goes along with the integration and what you were saying.  But there was another doctor that I thought was kind of amusing too, this Henry Beecher.  An American, but he had ties there to Montreal.  And apparently, he was really outspoken against the Nuremberg Code for Secret Research, and like said that it was really hampering their ability to really understand human nature by, you know, having these set rules and human rights, you know, what they couldn’t do.  And then he turned around, like ten years later, and took a complete opposite stance.  And now, he’s like given this prestigious award annually in his name.  It’s the Henry K Beecher Prize in Medical Ethics at Harvard Medical School.


Alan: That’s right.  Bioethics.


Zachary: Yeah, it’s ridiculous.  Like, they took somebody who did all this work, you know, and now he’s a hero?


Alan: Well, who better than a guy you can count on, as a true eugenicist and make him appear to be the one who champions the poor downtrodden?  You know, it’s the perfect method.  It was the same as I say with Dr. Salk who was the top guy, the top writer for the American and British Eugenics Society.  You’ll see his writings still up there yet, on depopulation by any means possible, who gave you the polio vaccine to give us all the cancers.  I mean, who better to bring forth as a savior, but a true believer in his cause, you know, under a new guise.  And then, I put a link up too, last night or the night before, I think it was last night, on something similar.  It was to do with the testing that the US military were doing on people, prisoners and so on.  And you’ll hear another professor there talking.  It was so much easier in the good old days, he said, when we could get all this done in secret and no one knew what we were doing, when they were infecting folk with syphilis and so on.  It was just so much easier he says, in the good old days.  These are the psychopaths they hire. 


Zachary: Since you brought it up, I know, I have no way to prove this, but I joined the guard to be in one of the brass bands that you talk about all the time.  I’m in the Army Guard Band.  And when you go through, you know, you have to go through all the inoculations and everything, a whole big barrage of them.  And when I got those shots, I got really, really sick, and like almost hallucinating, and I didn’t go to their little facility, because I wanted to ship out with the rest of us, and we move from our reception to basic training.  But my nose just peeled right away.  And the bottom of my lip.  And like the drill sergeant was yelling, asking me if I’d gotten into a fight, but I hadn’t.  And I’ve since had like issues, where I get really sick.  My nose starts to peel away again, and it’s never happened before I went to basic.  And it makes me wonder, gees, could I have been given something there?  And I have no way of knowing, but I have never had that response until I went to basic.


Alan: Well, you see, all these inoculations and so on, what they do to you – and it’s so simple too, it’s like any detective story, you’re fine before it, and you’re not fine afterwards – it goes for your immune system.  It works on your immune system.  And what you end up getting are autoimmune problems.  And there’s damage to your immune system in other words.  And what happens then is your immune system sees enemies everywhere.  Sometimes it will attack the epithelial tissue in your gut.  That’s a favorite place.  You’ll get it in your lips too, by the way, or inside your mouth.  And different places where it’s soft tissue.  And epithelial tissue, especially.  So, they know exactly.  They know all this.  And you see, you are a causality, but you are an acceptable causality, because what they do, it’s just like mass weaponry.  It gets most of the people, and you know, there’s a few unfortunates that are left behind.  It’s the same thing when they put a nuclear reactor near or into a city.  They already have a worked out acceptable death rate for that particular reactor.  And I’ve talked to engineers in some of the reactors in Canada here, and they’ve told me the same thing over and over.  It’s the same with vaccines.  If it works for most folk, or at least not works for them, it doesn’t kill them immediately, and there’s very few side effects, it’s just too bad about the poor unfortunates.  That’s an acceptable level.


Zachary: They never tell you about the risk before you go in.  I hadn’t heard until after listening to your show and others about that.  And it just, you know, it’s the last thing on your mind, really.


Alan: Yes.  Definitely.  That’s why they always go for the young too, in the military.  The military is a great testing base for young people, because when you join the military you’re now a private.  You’re privately owned, if you don’t understand that.  Your government is a corporation.  It’s signed into law as a corporation.  And you become a private soldier.  You’re owned privately.  You’re not a member of the public anymore.  And your job is to be used as a weapon for your country, or be used with weapons on you for your country.  In other words, die for your country.  It doesn’t matter if you’re killed by an enemy, or you’re of use to them to test on to kill other enemies.  Then you die regardless.  So, this has been going on for an awful long time.  We’ve already had lots of data come out on this in Canada, but it’s only gone up until about 1960 or so.  The rest are still classified, and it’s the same in the States too.  We know the horrible things they’ve done to their own troops.  Same in Britain, by the way.  And the general public too get tested.  I’ve put so many links up in the archives section at, to do with the spraying across England, and one a few weeks back there.  Excellent video to watch, how a massive campaign that lasted a few years was done over populations of the east coast of England, and then, of course, the authorities monitored their declining health and kept it all quiet.  So, we are disposable at the bottom level, you understand that.  I knew that very early on in life.  We’re disposable.


Zachary: Yeah, it’s pretty wild.  Well, thanks for all you put out to the public, and you’ve helped bring me to a higher understanding that I wouldn’t have otherwise been able to achieve had it not been for all your talks, and I encourage anybody listening to purchase your books too, as well, because they’re a blessing too.  You can really see a bigger picture, and it will help you think in a different way for sure.  It’s helped me. 


Alan: Well, thanks for calling.


Zachary: Yep, have a good weekend.


Alan: And, you too.  Take care.


Zachary: All right.


Alan: And then we’ve got Jane in Canada.  Are you there, Jane?  Hello, Jane?


Jane: You were talking about necrophilia, and it made me think of a TV show.  One of the reasons I don’t watch TV at all anymore.  I happened to watch an episode of Nip and Tuck, and there was a man who had a furniture fetish.  Like, he fell in love with furniture.  And, I don’t know, he had sex with furniture.  It actually, I don’t know, it actually portrayed him like having, sorry, it’s not really funny, but having sex, like with a, he was applying for a job at the surgery thing, and he liked the, I don’t know, the operating table or something.  But it’s just so sick, you know.


Alan: Well, it’s done to completely degrade society.  Completely, and dehumanize society.  Again, that is the Frankfurt policy, total degradation of the human being, until you have no respect for others, and then you have no respect for yourself.  And when that happens, you’re conquered, because then governments can do with you as they wish.  And you’ll say, well, I guess they’ve got the right to, I’m nothing anyway.  It’s a very simple technique. 


Jane: His mother, the character’s mother was an interior designer, or interior decorator.  It’s ridiculous, but anyway. 


Alan: As I say, there’s necrophilia.  I mean, look at the amount of movies they’ve churned out over the many, many years, and you’ll always get hints of that in a lot of horror movies.  It’s sex with the dead and all that kind of stuff.


Jane: Yeah.  Like, I always avoided that stuff.  And you know, I just couldn’t believe that they were making movies like that.


Alan: There’s lots and lots of them.  Do you understand, they’ll admit once in a while when people find out how much the military or the Pentagon has paid to Hollywood to put out certain movies, all the war movies for instance with the bad, real bad Arabs, like that video link I put up, “Reel Bad Arabs,” to really make you hate the Arab cultures, and it’s paid for by the Pentagon, generally.  And it’s the same thing with a lot of the stuff for degradation that you’re seeing too.  It’s a war on the public’s mind, as I say of dehumanization.  It’s a dehumanization process.  And every generation, since about the ’50s has had their dose of it, getting worse and worse.  And that’s why you let your children watch stuff that you might not have watched so much when you were young, but it’s still familiar to you in its degradation, so you let them watch it, and we’re getting brought down to a state where we’re worth nothing.  We will believe eventually that we are worth nothing, and that we’re just another, again, brain, another animal.  Just a brain.  Nothing happens outside you.  All that you are is that little bit between your ears, and there’s no more to you than that.  That’s what they want you to believe.  And because of that, they want you to think that you’re nothing special at all and that you have no rights.  And that will be when you love Big Brother.  And that is the system.


Jane: Like, to sort of go off on a different topic.  You know when you mentioned Arabs.  You know how you’ll hear sometimes people fearful that sharia law is going to be brought to North America.  And then I hear other people saying, that’s ridiculous.  They’re not talking about bringing it to North America, they’re talking about something else.  Do you know anything about that?


Alan: I wouldn’t even bother with it, because, you see, there’s so much propaganda being put out right now, deliberately by your government agencies.  I don’t even like to call them your government agencies.  They’re actually a supra-government now, bringing you into a new system.  The reason that they brought in so many Muslims was in preparation for 2001.  They were all set up with their families.  They would be the new target.  And now they give you a fear amongst yourselves.  You couldn’t bring out a war on terror where everyone must give up their rights unless you bring in people that you’re going to blame for it.  And that was the whole idea.  People who are Muslims now are terrified of the paranoia that’s been built up within their own countries by the media and by their own governments.  It’s all propaganda.


Jane: I mean, like, I don’t have a problem with Muslims.  All the people I’ve met from the Middle East, all the Muslim people that I’ve personally met have been very, very nice.  I don’t have a problem with it.  But I just didn’t understand why some people were saying it’s an issue.


Alan: It’s because the media has been bringing little blurbs out here and there for them to swallow, and to get them angry about the Muslim culture.  You understand too that we’re in the process of demolishing Muslim culture across the world.  That’s what the US, Britain, and a few other countries are doing right now.  They cannot have an independent religion with its own culture and morality and laws, including their financial laws, operating side by side with a totalitarian global system, so they must be stamped out.  And they must be degraded as we are degraded already.  Whether we know it or not, we are degraded.  We’ve had it as a culture now, personally, that’s what I think.  We lap up stuff from Hollywood, and it’s pure poison, but we lap the stuff up thinking, oh, wow, that’s great, and then your head is full of more pornography or degradation, and blood and guts and all the rest of it.  So, they’re demolishing the last few countries that still have a workable culture. 


Jane: Okay.  Thank you.


Alan: Thanks for calling.  And we’ll go on to Mike from Chicago.  Are you there, Mike?


Mike: Hello.  Alan Watt, I have a few questions for you.  I remember on one of your shows, you were talking about like the very few, the 2% that make it through each generation.  What makes those people, who get the same indoctrination from the general public, just like the general public gets it, what makes them so special?  What makes them able to see through all the deception?


Alan: Part of it could be that you’re born that way, literally it could be.  Hold on, and we’ll go into that when we come back from this break.


Hi folks, we’re back, Cutting Through the Matrix, talking to Mike from Chicago, who’s asking why some people have an ability, a small percentage have an ability to see things as they are, even from an early age and so on.  And I think you’re either born that way, but I also think that perhaps some of your early shots simply didn’t work the way they were supposed to work on you, because the United Nations has admitted in the last few years that the same tests for IQ have dropped quite a few percentage in children.  Well, that doesn’t happen by itself, if it’s the same test going on.  It means something has happened, I think, to the brains of the children.  And I do think, personally, it might sound paranoid to people, but I do think personally, after reading the books of the big boys, reading the letters and published papers to the Eugenics Society by Dr. Salk and others, that they wanted to use these particular programs, to literally lower the IQ of the general public.  It’s much easier to control a people who are dumbed down and stupid.  But it doesn’t get everyone the same way, you know.


Mike: It’s like how in Nineteen Eighty-Four it said Ignorance is Power.


Alan: Ignorance is Strength.


Mike: Yeah, Ignorance is Strength.  That’s what I meant.  And I also have one more question.  Do you think 9/11, where the two towers fell, on 1/11, they had the Haitian Earthquake, 3/11, today, you had the tsunami.  Do you think the so-called New World Order are involved in these three incidents?


Alan: There’s no doubt, even Brzezinski in his book, Between Two Ages, talked about the New Weaponry and Weather Warfare.  That was the ideal weapon, because no one could prove it had been used.  And it was very effective.  And, of course, if you go into the United Nations treaties, they’ve been signing on it.  Every country has signed on it since the 70s, the early 70s, they said at the time, they can create tsunamis, earthquakes, tidal waves, tornados, hurricanes, with weather warfare.  Floods, droughts, whatever they wanted to.  That was the perfect weapon.  And who knows.  I know when they hit Iraq in one of the lower areas, it was called Bam, the City of Bam, and remember that had an earthquake there.  I mean, did someone simply pick that little place because it was called Bam, and here they are going to hit it with an earthquake in the middle of a war?  I wonder, you know.  And let’s be honest, every weapon that’s ever been made has been eventually used.  They don’t make them just to keep them shiny and to admire them. 


Mike: Man, people are blind.  I also have one more question.  Like, in the Brave New World by Aldous Huxley, when I read that book, it kind of seemed almost ironic that we have a culture of rap, and in the book, everything rhymed, like promiscuity is a citizen’s duty and so on.  You have constant phrases in that book that are similar to rap.  Do you think they’re using rap to bring in a similar world, like Brave New World?


Alan: No doubt.  Absolutely.  They could certainly do it.  Brave New World didn’t just come out of a man’s head out of nowhere.  It came out of a man who belonged to a very old family, who are related to the Darwins through marriage and so on, again, through special selection, very special selection of their mates.  You have to go into his father, too, and his brother as well, Julian, who at UNESCO, the first CEO of UNESCO, Julian Huxley talked about this whole agenda, including creating massive promiscuity, and starting at a very early age to destroy the family unit, as long as they didn’t have any offspring, this would be advocated.  And it’s here.  We’ve lived through it.  We’ve been living through it our whole lives now.  Thanks for calling.  From Hamish and myself in Ontario, Canada, it’s Good Night, and may your God or your Gods go with you.



Topics of show covered in following links:

Truth and Lies in the War on Terror---Video, Pilger

London City Councillors Off to Riviera

London Mayor Boris Johnson addresses World's Largest Real Estate Event--Encourages Investment because Rural Areas will be Moving into Cities


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
Part 1 (1998) and Part 2 (1998-2000)


Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"