April 7th, 2008
Alan Watt on the Alex Jones Show

(2 Hours)


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Alex Jones: Coming up in about fifty-two minutes from now, we’re going to start the new fourth hour of the show.  Since 1997 I have been doing a weekday show.  At first it was one hour, and then in 1998 it went to three hours, and so, for more than ten years we have been in this time slot.  I’m expanding it to four hours.  We’re going to have video feeds up on prisonplanet.com and infowars.com, starting in about 51 minutes from now.  Okay, Alan Watt is a very interesting person.  He’s a musician, I mean, let me just read his bio.  He’s been on with us a few times before, but he’s with us for about an hour and fifty minutes today.  He calls it his wee bit bio from his cuttingthroughthematrix.net website.  


Alan Watt is a long-term researcher into the causative forces behind major changes in historical development. His background is that of a renaissance man with a background in three professions, plus having various books published in religions, philosophy, poetry, mainly under pseudonyms. For much of his life (for main income) he was heavily involved in the music industry as a singer/songwriter/performer involved in folk music, blues, pop, rock, and even classical. Also known for his session guitar work, he has played with some of the most well-known artists and groups.


Born in Scotland, he watched the subtleties of politics and media as they guided the population of the U.K. covertly into a European Amalgamation. He has been warning the North American people for some years now that the same process of amalgamation is being carried out.


With historical documentation, he shows how cultures are created and altered by those in control, always to lead the people like sheep into the next pasture. (Alex: That’s right.  They always have us in a current phase and are prepping us for the next phase.  Just like they’re creating economic collapse.  The Federal Reserve publicly engineers it, now they’re offering you the next phase, giving them unlimited governmental power, no oversight, private bankers literally running everything.  Into the next pasture.)


Learn the true esoteric meanings of mystery religions from one who knows.


Learn the science of Religion Creation-Domination. The latest book trilogy (Cutting Through Volumes 1,2,3) attempts to deprogram the reader from his/her indoctrination from accepting the world as presented.


Alex: Alan Watt, thank you for spending time with us today.


Alan: It’s a pleasure to be on. 


Alex: You’ve got the floor.  Just tell us about Alan Watt, a little bit more about how you woke up and then when you really clicked and decided in the last decade or so, I became aware of you in the last five years or so, to start fighting the New World Order and really go public against them, which is a risky business.  And then, let’s break down the basic overarching system and get into eugenics, their overall drive.  Let’s understand the elite’s mindset before we go into their control grid.


Alan: Well, I caught on when I was very young to the fact that even the British system, although with the appearance of competition and free enterprise and so on, was entirely fixed.  It was a fixed system.  And it had a rigged system.  And it also had a completely fake history.  The history I was being taught in school didn’t jive with the books written 200 years ago, which were available at some old libraries in Scotland.  And I got into these libraries, very young, from about the age of seven and eight.  And I was reading stuff that happened at the time, only to find out that what I was being taught in school was a completely revamped altered history.  And then I got into some of the major players, very early on, the Bertrand Russells, the Huxleys, the big families that had a hand in the creation of culture.  And it wasn’t just the creation of culture, I caught on early that there was a huge agenda at play, and that we’re all living through parts of it.  Every generation was living through a part of it.  You can go back in history to find that this agenda was laid out openly in the Court of Queen Elizabeth I, for instance, with John Dee who coined the phrase, the term, the British Empire, for the first time.  And he presented his idea of a British style empire, with a British type government, running the world on a system of what he called Free Trade.  And he laid it out, right down to those countries which would adopt that system.  They would be given most favored nation trading status.  This is in the 1500s, and then you follow it down from there, and see it working through the British conquest of the world during the Victorian era.  You also find this other group that appears initially to oppose them.  And that was called Marxism, only to find out that all the Marxist philosophies were written in London, England.  And that Marx himself and Engels and others were being sheltered and given protection by the British government. 


Alex: Let’s stop and zoom in there.  When I made my film Martial Law back in 2004, I went out on the streets of these peace demonstrations, where most of the people were well meaning, but they were with a control groups kind of leading it, and the Communists were there.  And I’ve had Communists and Anarchists who people say that’s the opposite.  No, they actually work together.  Not the minions, but the controllers, come up to me and even tell me.  Yeah, we work for the government, when they see there’s not a camera, and we’re going to kill you soon.  And they understand it, the leaders do, and then I was explaining in the film that the big banks created Communism to con the people back into serfdom and try to block some of the Renaissance that the globalists controlled but had gotten out of their total control later.  And I try to explain that it’s a false counter-revolution or a false revolution by the people.  And the public just can’t get that understanding.  Can you zoom in and flesh that out a bit more?


Alan: Yes, because Karl Marx for instance talked about a world that would eventually come into view and he said that there would be Three Trading Blocs in the World.  Far Eastern trading bloc, a United Europe, and United Americas.  And he wrote that in the 1840s.  And lo and behold, we’re living through this very, very thing.  And so they needed conflict, because they believe you see, this is the Hegelian technique of creating oppositions and out of the conflict between the two parties and people will always choose one party or another, that’s why they give you Left and Right in politics in every country.


Alex: Yeah, it’s false choices.  And that goes back to the mystery school, the left and right hand.  One is the left, you know, the liberal, and the other is the male, you know, patriarchal, for those that don’t understand, and of course, Eric Blair in his 1984 world, there are three blocs, the Anglo-American, the European, and then the Asian.  But then he finds out they’re really all working together and it’s war against the people. 


Alan: That’s right.  The only reason that they could keep power over the public is constant internal warfare.  And that’s of course why government exists in the first place, to protect you from those bad guys over there.  Now, in a world governmental system, and Karl Marx knew this too, you’d have to have a new enemy.  And the new enemy would be the terror within.  Terrorism would be the new enemy in a global society where there are no real borders.  And we saw that happening on a mini-scale with Stalin.  Once they had basically conquered and took over their Soviet Bloc, they had to find new enemies, and suddenly they had these purges on terrorists within.  It could be your next-door neighbors, it could be you.


Alex: And they had hate speech laws, they had hate crimes laws, they even used the term terrorist.  And understand anytime the Nazis, the Communists, any of these different tools the globalists get in control, why do they always then mass kill?  That’s their eugenics, which is then part of their religion, which has to have the human sacrifice.  But I’m interrupting.  Go back.


Alan: Yes, and so, there’s no doubt about it.  The big bankers and the British elite who do exist in Britain, most of them never appear on television.  They’re very old families.  They come from the Norman descendancy.  These characters are called The Establishment, in Britain.  They are the real government above the so-called elected government.  And they don’t play politics, because politics is a game, but these characters do make an agenda.  And if you look into one of their front organizations, one of the biggest front organizations that they have, it’s the Royal Institute of International Affairs.


Alex: And explain.  That was then transplanted here as a regional governorship known as the CFR and they have these behind the throne, imperial shadow governments in all of the original holdings. 


Alan: Yes.  And Margaret Thatcher admitted that publicly when she gave her tour of the world.  The tour was called the New World Order, back in the 1990s.  And she said, we ex-politicians, ex-premiers, ex-presidents all know each other.  We never retire.  She says, we have a parallel government which is unelected to the people.  We can get more done, because we’re not responsible to the public.  And we work tirelessly towards this goal.  So, she admitted what their establishment was.  It is the Royal Institute of International Affairs, and they were given a royal charter by the British Crown to exist, and to speak on behalf of the Crown, the unelected elite.  And they’ve been working tirelessly towards this world system.  Again, to go back to how they created the two party sides.  You go back to nature in Ancient Egypt, and they talk about the laws of nature.  And of course they talked about Spring and then you’d have Fall in its opposition, and Summer and Winter.  And therefore, the whole idea was, everything works in harmony to a new beginning, if you go through the process of having opposites in battle and conflict.  And it was updated much later and put into new terminology with Hegel, who called it the thesis, antithesis and synthesis.  Synthesis is the merging together of the two opposing sides in a compromise.


Alex: And over thousands of years, the elites developed this, and if the elites didn’t develop this, and if the power behind the throne, who was always his magicians, they were just the con artists.  They understood psychology.  That is the hidden mystery religion.  They then put on the theater for those out there in the general public or the congregation and that is the big secret, is just how to punch the buttons in people’s minds.  Is that your take on it Alan Watt?


Alan: It’s all formula.  That’s right.  It’s formula.


Alex: Formula.  We’ll be right back.  We’re going to get into their mindset, what they believe, not just what they tell us, and their extermination plans for you and your family. 


(Commercial Break)


Alex: In about thirty-five minutes we’re going to go live with video feeds at prisonplanet.tv.  You’ll be able to hear the audio for free at infowars.com for the fourth hour in a higher bit rate, or on the main stream at infowars.com.  And we’re going to be hooking into the satellites and all the affiliates for the next few weeks, for our regular radio listeners out there in AM and FM land, for stations that choose to carry it.  Going back to Alan Watt, please continue.  You know, we’ve talked about the grid they’ve built.  We’re going to get more into that, but specifically their mindsets, what they believe, what they’re into, where they think they’re going.  From your research, get into that, Alan.


Alan: Where they’re going is to a utopia.  They’ve talked about a utopia, a golden age, for thousands of years.  Every elite has talked about the possibility of immortality in this world, in this particular body, by understanding nature once again, in other words science, by conquering the laws of nature they could conquer death for themselves.  And there’s no doubt about it, they want to fix, as they say, in their old religions, the spirit in the physical body for eternity.  And no more, and at the top too, many of them do believe in reincarnation, but they believe that they are the most evolved species, both spiritually and physically on the planet.  Later, this was brought out by Charles Darwin, under another guise, a pseudo-scientific guise of determinism, through superior types and inferior types.


Alex: Yeah, let’s be clear.  They claim on the surface they’re atheists, but they’re actually deep occultists and believe they’re god and have god complexes.  That’s why they’ve got giant heavy cyclotrons colliding heavy particles, which the equations show could cause a huge chain reaction and destroy the whole planet.  They can’t help it though, they’ve got to play god.


Alan: They have to.  And they truly do believe that through their advanced sciences, they will dominate nature and everything in it.  When you look at the old psalms written for pharaohs, you’ll see that the psalm would say that the pharaoh is god.  He is god on earth.  And he owns everything in the world, everything that flies, crawls, walks or burrows in the earth is his.  The land is his.  The people are his.  He was the owner of everything.  And it hasn’t really changed.  The elite truly believe that we should worship them for giving us their system.  We should worship them for giving us jobs.  And they claim that’s the only purpose that we have.  And like good shepherds, when they have no more jobs for us, then their job is to cull us off.  That’s how much they love their animals.  And the world that they’ve drawn up is to be a vastly reduced population, and not only a reduced population, but through the genotype of different people in the human genome project, they’re going to take the best genes and create a better race of purpose-made slaves.  This has been published in many scientific journals.  Purpose-made humans for purpose-made jobs. 


Alex: That’s right and what, in 1916, H.G. Wells had already written about atomic and hydrogen bombs, because Max Planck and others by 1905 had already put out the equations, probably before that.  That’s when they told the public about it.  And then they used Einstein as the vehicle to basically publicize it.  They had, you know, he had written about the Eloi and Morlocks, almost a hundred years ago, this elite, cold-blooded psychopathic elite and their slaves.  And going back a hundred and fifty years ago to Galton and his cousin, of course Darwin, this is all in Endgame ladies and gentlemen, they already believed they were the super race.  They interbred, and it actually made unhealthy lunatics, or people who had extra or less chromosomes, massive genetic problems.  So now, they want to prove they’re the best, they’re saying, okay, well, we’ll actually come in and artificially, just like in Huxley’s 1933 Brave New World, we’re going to make you stupid.


Alan: Oh, there’s no doubt about it.  They had meetings at the beginning of the 20th century on how to dominate the public, the generally public of the entire planet, through chemical means, through ways of using chemicals to lobotomize specific parts of the brain.


Alex: Fluoride.


Alan: Yeah, to make people more, and also by using the needle, even Bertrand Russell talked about the use of the needle will make people very compliant.  And they can.  They can target specific parts of the brain through chemicals or viruses that they can send right to your brain.  And I really do believe that that’s the main reason for inoculations, because we look at the IQ dropping, plunging since the 1950s.


Alex: Just like sperm dropping, and then all the PR ads about how good the shots are for you.


Alan: And people are becoming so unhealthy.  Surgeons are phoning me, telling me they’re opening up young men and their bodies inside have advanced aging.  You’d think they were seventy years old. 


Alex: Well, that’s the GMO food, which they knew would do that as well.  Ladies and gentlemen, you’re being orderly exterminated with soft kill weapons, all Pentagon run.  Hope you enjoy it.  Go ahead and serve the system.  Those that are laughing, they’re killing you.  I know you love your masters.  We’ll be right back.


(Commercial Break)


Alex: Alright ladies and gentlemen, this is going to be our maiden voyage today.  The audio is going out for the fourth hour at infowars.com.  We’re going to be taking your calls off a new phone number for the time being.  Coming up in the fourth hour today, that starts at 2 o’clock central.  And Alan Watt will be with us for the duration of that hour.  Also, we’re going to take the hour-long encoding of my document cam, of the video cam in here on me, and on the video clips we play, and Alan Watt, and that will be uploaded and posted at prisonplanet.tv within a few hours of the end of the show.  Because this is the internet, and sometimes there will be glitches on the cam when thousands and thousands of people are on there.  But we’re always encoding here locally, we’ve got one machine encoding now.  We’re going to go to about two soon, as backup, and so you’ll always be able to see it, period.  It’s going to be very, very timely.  Always, even if you miss it live while you’re at work, you’ll be able to get them, and there will be the new video for you, five days a week.  We’re even looking into coming in with just a basic web cam on the Sunday show, as we develop and expand things.  Going back to researcher Alan Watt, who joins us from Canada.  His website, cuttingthroughthematrix.net, cuttingthroughthematrix.net, a link-up on infowars.com.  Alan, please continue.


Alan: Yes.  And so the dialectical process works so well, because the public, as I say, will always pick this side or that side, whichever one appeals to them, or whichever side their father or mother has followed before, they adopt the same attitude, and they don’t think beyond that.  However, this agenda was to be set up under a new system, eventually, that would take over from this vague term called democracy.  We’ve never really had a true democracy in the history of the world.  And the new system that would come in, and this was published at the beginning of the 20th Century, they said that under this new democracy, only those biggest groups that exist and who are authorized to exist, would have a say in the affairs of government.  We now call them non-governmental organizations.  And so, with the use of again, front NGO groups, non-governmental organizations, who pretend to demand from government on behalf of the public that certain laws be passed on various things, they would guide this whole system into their Brave New World scenario. 


Alex: And it’s all stated, and they brag, even in these textbooks, hundreds of books out there will list some of the names, that the slaves never read, so we can admit they’re slaves, and they also point at the rent-a-mob NGOs, non-governmental organizations, and then say that that is the grassroots.  Really, this is all an elaborate thespian, the whole world is a stage, each of us a player upon it.  Of course we know that Shakespeare was an insider, that was really just an acronym for a group of Illuminists that wrote under his name.  He really wasn’t writing a book a week, ladies and gentlemen.  And the history shows this.  Some say it was really the king or the prince, well it was.  William Shakespeare was just a front for a whole group of these people to put this out.  And so they expansively then pre-programmed the public, controlled both sides of the debate. 


Alan: It was even deeper, because they introduced a whole new language into England with the King James Bible and Shakespeare around the same time.  Because, prior to that, if you read the writings of Chaucer and others, around the 11th Century, you’ll see that they were speaking a form of Saxon German, and so they even upgraded the language, because the language itself is very important to this whole agenda.  We think in a language.  We’re like computers, and technically, and they knew this a long time ago, if they gave you a certain type of language, and they already know the logic, like the logic of a computer, then the programmer will know the answer to every question that you as a being must arrive at, because you’ll use your logic, use their language, and you’ll arrive at the predestined conclusion.


Alex: Why do people love logos?  The Volkswagen logo, the CBS logo?  Because in our development we would know what, if a spider was poisonous or not, by its spots or by its red hourglass or by its little violin.  We would know whether a fish was good to eat by its spots, by the way it looks, and so language really in the human mind is symbols or characters, like in Chinese or Japanese, where it’s pictorial pictographs, pictures.  They then come in and change the meaning of those words and then add new mental recognition to those verbal signals and they are now altering those. 


Alan: It’s very, very simple.  It’s very, very simple, and sure enough, they do keep changing the meanings of words.  And George Orwell warned us about that too, how easy it is to do.  And if you start to adapt and adopt the new terms that are given to you, you’re being programmed, automatically.  Most people today, and this was written about in the 1960s, by the Royal Institute of International Affairs, when they had the world meeting, to decide which organization, which country would lead the world for the new culture, and they said that they’d give the job to Hollywood.  Most young people that watch all these soaps, and so on, their dramas, their school dramas and so on, and they don’t realize there are new words, new vocabulary being introduced, new meanings of words as they change them.  And they start to parrot them.  They mimic them, as Charles Galton Darwin said.  So this is an age-old technique of controlling culture, through the use of words, and the gradual subtle alteration.


Alex: Now, let’s be clear.  That was firmly institutionalized, going back fifty years ago, where the FBI would oversee all the production houses and have you arrested or blackballed if you didn’t follow the order.  There is the overt control.  Now, today, the Feds, since 2001 have been spending 45 million a year, and this was in the Washington Post, L.A. Times, to just pay one scriptwriting house to write the "government terror scripts."  And then you look, and they’re actually using those terror scripts, in real attacks, so it goes vice versa.  And then I remember having the Lone Gunman and X-Files star, Dean Haglund, he called me up and said, I want to come visit you.  He said, listen, the CIA visited us, and they would plant these on us, and tell us, hey, it’s a good idea if you use this.  So, I want to be clear.  Everybody in Hollywood isn’t marching around getting CIA orders.  It’s the top producers.  It’s the top production houses.  They decide what they want to pick out of the millions of scripts, and then once you start ideas rolling, it magnifies and others parrot it, adapt it, change it, and don’t even know they’re taking part in a larger program. 


Alan: One month before 9/11 happened, the international censorship committees of the world met.  And I didn’t know at that time we had an international censorship committee.  I knew every country had one.  And you think your censorship committee is there to see what you’ll be exposed to on television, and so on, and it’s there to protect you.  They published their findings, and they published their speeches from the international meeting.  This got lost immediately when the bombings happened at 9/11.  But I remember them, and I kept, I cut them out of newspapers, because they had speeches given, identical speeches, written by the same scriptwriter obviously, for two professors.  One in the United States, who attended the meeting, one in Canada at a university here, and they said, now we have won the battle for homosexuality and lesbianism and so on, we shall push the envelope, our next target is for bestiality and intergenerational sex.  That will be promoted heavily through comedy, television, and so on.  So, your censorship committee is there to guide the culture into the next phase and the next phase and the next phase, not to protect you.


Alex: And that’s because they have to cold-bloodedly remove the old basic human programming to keep tribes together and healthy.  They have to fracture, break up families, break up societies, reduce us to isolated creatures who only have a relationship with the flickering television or computer screen being programmed by our imaginary friends, and they even call the show, Friends


Alan: And we must be very politically, you see again, Blair or George Orwell talked about this ability for bureaucracies to adapt so quickly.  What’s true and correct one day, you must truly, instantly believe it, this new correctness for today.  Even though it’s diametrically opposed to your conditioning yesterday.  And it’s constant adaptation of political correctness.  Now, the term political correctness came from the Soviet Union.  It’s a direct translation from the Soviet for the same thing.  And when they introduced the term political correctness in the West, they also introduced the term, also from the Soviet Union, and that was anti-government.  It started to appear in the paper for the first time, Anti-Government.  So, if you complained about government or a policy, suddenly you were anti-government.  So, it makes sense, because remember what Senator Dodd, Norman Dodd found out when he did the Reece Commission, back in the ’50s, and he went round the big foundations.  Now, the big foundations are the boys that pretend they’re big charitable institutions, multi-billionaire, trillionaire institutions.  They dish out the money that funds these professional non-governmental organizations.  And Dodd found out from the Ford Foundation, Carnegie and Rockefeller, the guy at the Ford Foundation told him, our purpose is to eventually blend seamlessly the Soviet system with the American system into one.


Alex: Well, let me expand on that.  Let’s just zoom in on a tiny, tiny microcosm of the entire picture.  For fifty years, the Ford Foundation has been funding textbooks and comic books, millions of them a year, just like Marvel last year got criticized for they’re going to give every American child a UN comic book every few months, that teaches to like world government.  They admitted, the UN said, to teach us to accept global government, teach us how it’s good, teach us about the new environmental system as an organizing cause, which is their whole eugenics program, and they said, don’t get mad, we’ve been doing this with comic book people since the late 1940s.  Well, it’s the same thing, comic books in Mexico saying America took the Southwest, the US is bad, you want to break it down, la Reconquista.  Our government, just like our government with criminals that run it, it came out in the Washington Post, for 30-plus years, up until 2002, were still shipping millions of comic books and free radical hadisas, radical Islamic texts, interpretations, to the Muslim countries, from a Wahhabist perspective, and the Saudi Arabians would match money with the CIA to radicalize Muslims, so they could use those religious Muslims, to tear down any secular government, to actually neutralize and weaken the Middle Eastern and Central Asian areas, so, again, there’s the foundations, there’s the governments, breeding the rebellion. 


Alan: And in the Soviet Union, you see, this blending together of the Soviet system has already happened.  It’s happened here.  They have merged the two into one.  And remember, going back to the book called The First Global Revolution, written by the Club of Rome, published in the ’90s, it tells you in there by the founders, in their own words.  It says, we, back in the ’70s, looked for a reason to unite the planet.  And they thought about the space alien, would that work, would they all fall for that.  Then they said, we hit up on the idea of stating that the people on the planet were causing global warming.  We hit upon the idea, he says, and so they said, yes, man is the enemy.


Alex: Yeah, the head of the CFR in 1993, Richard N Haass, and this is published, this is on the CFR website and the Club of Rome, said, we made this up to make humanity the enemy.  That’s a quote.


Alan: That’s right.  I’ve got the book from them, I’ve got the whole chapter, and I put it up on my site.


Alex: But I mean, they’re point blank.  They’re point blank, ladies and gentlemen.  I mean, everything Alan is saying is in mainline textbooks, it’s all available.  In the ’70s they had the church hearings on foundations.  They called in the heads of the foundations, and they admitted, the Carnegie Endowment for Peace, their founding document says we’re going to create war and control it and play countries off against each other to bring in the one world government.


Alan: Yes.  And then when Gorbachev of course was president of the Soviet Union, he’d already been given the right to have that organization in the United States, while he was still president of the Soviet Union.  This is the top of the KGB at one time, that was now president, and he was given the right to run this green institution for the planet, in cahoots with Maurice Strong and Mr. Rockefeller, and he had a hand in drafting up the Earth Charter. 


Alex: And that’s Green Cross, Green Shield, based at the Presidio Naval Base in San Francisco, where the UN was born, in 1945, set up by the Pentagon, directed by the Royal Institute of International Affairs.


Alan: That’s right, and of course, he was given a knighthood as well.  The Green Cross is the Knight of Lazarus, that’s what it stands for.  Here’s a Soviet, a president of another country, a foreign country being given a top position within the United States, while he’s still president of the Soviet Union.  In his last speech he gave to the Politburo, it was printed in the Toronto Sun, and Eric Margolis was the foreign correspondent, who printed up the whole speech.  And Gorbachev told the Politburo and the top generals, he says, shortly you’ll hear that Communism is dead and finished.  He says, don’t believe it, we’re simply moving on to the next phase of merging with the West.


Alex: And they never even took the hammer and sickles off the tanks.  Going back and expanding on that, there are so many examples of our government shipping them hundreds of millions of pounds of wheat every year, oil, the Rockefellers, Armand Hammer owning the factories.  We have Carroll Quigley, the head of Georgetown Political Science division, Bill Clinton’s mentor, admitting, bragging to everyone that hey, the Royal Institute roundtable groups that dominates the CFR and the rest of the world, they work with these people, they create these people.  That’s like Lord Milner in the ’20s said we need a rabble-rouser to put in power in Germany.  We’ll put the screws to the Germans, hurt them real bad, and then make them come after us, and then we’ll have everybody surrounding Hitler.  We’ll then sabotage him.  I mean, they’re slick man, because they plan out decades.


Alan: See, what we’re looking at here, and here’s where it hits most people who get to a certain stage of waking up.  You’re dealing with an ancient system and an ancient science, and very old families who are given archives of information on the techniques, as I say it’s formula, it’s all to do with formula.  If you want the public, as Plato said, to do anything, look at past history. What they’ve been made to do in the past, if you know the formula, you can reintroduce it again at any time in the future.


Alex: And take the movie 300 that was the biggest blockbuster last year.  Made like 400 million bucks, they show them killing imperfect babies at birth.  They show basically how the Spartans went out and did human sacrifice.  It’s all shown as the most wonderful thing in the world.  That’s the beginnings of the eugenics.  And I want to come back, Alan, and we’re going to take calls, ladies and gentlemen, in the fourth hour that’s about to start.  I want to explain to people what their real beliefs are.  Start getting into the eugenics.


Alan: Yeah, the eugenics is incredible.  If we go back into history, we find, we find for instance pharaohs and kings of Persia and so on, would often marry their own sister, because they truly believed they were the most evolved.  They were already Darwinian.  Darwin simply was a member of the same group, centuries later, espousing what they already believed in.  They believed that spiritually and physically they were already the most perfect beings on the planet.  And they didn’t want to outbreed into the commoners.  They always had two groups, themselves, the gods, and the commoners.  And in Britain, the people are still called commoners.  If you’re not a member of nobility, you are a commoner.


Alex: Well, they also called us the little people, and that’s how they can tell who comes from a more "noble family” the taller you are, because they would artificially starve, and that’s feudalism, the people as a way to control them, and then they would get madder and madder as they inbred more and more of their children.  You know, that’s why you always hear about kings and queens not being able to have children, and not having heirs.  Because they were so mentally ill, and deranged and psychopathic.  Really, they say they’re their own species, they are, Alan.  They are a psychopath inbred guild.  Do you agree?


Alan: Absolutely.  I’ve talked to some of them, and heard them speaking about it themselves.


Alex: So have I.  We’ll be right back with Alan Watt.  Your phone calls.  The fourth hour, coming up.  The show isn’t over.  Go to infowars.com to listen. 


(Commercial Break)


Alex: Alright, Gene, Steve, many others that are patiently holding, let me give you the new number to call in.  I’ve actually got a 1-800, we haven’t hooked it up yet.  And this show will be on the network in the next few weeks.  But it’s only going to be at infowars.com.  I’m going to call up and get a fourth hour shortwave too, in the next few days.  It’s going to be at infowars.com, free streams there, but you have to go to the infowars.com streams.  You have to go to the website to hear it.  It won’t be on the Genesis streams, this fourth hour.  You go to infowars.com right now, you can listen for free there on 32 bit, or 16 bit, and it’s going to be on 64 bit, for members of prisonplanet.tv and you’re going to have a five minute video intro feed, and then myself and Alan Watt.  We’ll be back and we will be taking your calls.  Here is the phone number, it’s 512-646-5400.  And I think 80-plus percent of the public now have unlimited long distance.  So, 1-800s are really being obsolete, but we’re still going to have one for you.  512-646-5400.  512-646-5400.  I’ll be right here myself, taking your phone calls off my board.  We’re going to call Alan back here, in just a minute or two, and get him on my board here too.  We’re beta testing this, all myself, live this fourth hour, with the video feed and the rest of it.  Let me just punch the video feed up.  We’re rolling video clips of Stalin and Bush right now, but punch myself up, see, I can say hi to everybody.  We have a document cam.  I had Chinese food on the document cam a few minutes ago.  But there’s the document cam.  Got the finance and development magazine.  Global governance, who’s in charge.  See this is an industry publication.  It’s all just admitted there.  Oh yeah, World Government.  We run everything.  You know, that’s for people in management.  20-something-thousand CEOs get this.  I mean, I’m seen as a CEO, I guess, because I run my own company.  And all this stuff comes in the mail, because they have lists of this.  I never went on a list.  I never asked to be on this.  But I get sent it, you see, because I’m seen as somebody higher up in the system, even though I fight them, I’m on a list, they send it to me.  Alan, that’s how this works, isn’t it?


Alan: It is how it works.  And you always promote culture and changes from the top down, not from the bottom up.  So it’s following its old routine.  Even in management courses now, university, everything has been for quite a few years globalism, globalism, globalism.


Alex: Well, here’s another example.  My dad is a, you know, a health care consultant.  He’s also a dentist and an oral surgeon, so they always hire those guys, because of medical laws, they want those to be, you know, officers, board members, consultants, and he goes all over the country a couple of days a week doing this.  And about four years ago he called me.  He was at the Four Seasons here in Austin, you know, because they send him to these big seminars.  It was like four or five thousand dollars a person to go hear this top guru talk, this big CEO.  And he goes, this guy is talking about world government, how the elite miscalculated and dumbed everybody down too much, so now we’re head-hunting for home-schoolers to get them to join.  I mean, it’s like you said, Alan, it’s now just right out in the open. 


Alan: It is.  It truly is in the open.  And they have such a dumbed-down public; the public don’t really care too much what’s happening, as long as their own little life and what they can do doesn’t change too drastically for them.


Alex: Alan Watt, stay there.  We’re breaking, leaving the Genesis mothership and going out on our own to find new worlds, new civilizations, to boldly go where no radio talk show host has gone before.


Hour 2


Audio Stream.....


Man 1: But let’s say tomorrow the law stated that we had to use torture


Man 2: Don’t be absurd.


Man 1: Why it used to be the law.  It could be the law again.  It’s only a matter of principle.  Then you would use torture if the law said so.


Man 2: You’re using an extreme example.


Man 1: Alright then, what’s your limit?  How much injustice would you stand for to satisfy the people we work for?


(Song intro)


Alex: Alright, friends, we are live.  Thank you so much for joining us today on this maiden voyage of the new live fourth hour.  Anything new works out bugs as thousands of you log on to watch the video feed, as we tweak the settings there.  You can also listen right now to the audio, alone without the video, if you’re having any problems at infowars.com.  Alan Watt, again, is our guest for the rest of this hour.  His powerful website is cuttingthroughthematrix.net, and we’ve got a whole bunch of phone calls we’re going to be going to here in the next ten minutes, for the balance of the show.  Alan, the New World Order system is being exposed like never before.  Some would say that the establishment means to have revelation of the method, and I think they have done that, obviously through the culture and the media, but I think it is going a little faster than they wanted.  I see real signs of distress within them, and I see this system they’ve set up, this formula as controlling them as well, kind of a wild beast, just a kind of hive mind or institutionalized system that is now even out of their control.  Your take on that statement, Alan Watt.


Alan: Well, one thing we must always understand, these people don’t play politics.  As I say, they make an agenda, they do not compromise.  That’s the one thing all down through history.  They do not compromise.  They get their way or nothing.  However, they have to, at this very stage, sort of use the double-edged sword, because they want a world, you see, children are already growing up with this conditioning of globalism.  They have been for many, many years now, and so they have to come out in the open, as though it’s the normal thing to do, to be global nowadays.  And at the same time, they do know there’s still a generation left who are a bit older, but have the histories here, who remember and lived and grew up in the older system, and they don’t want to go into this new sort of Soviet type of globalism, where we’re all monitored, watched, and prodded and chipped and all the rest of it.  So they expect trouble.  That’s why they published their 90-page report from their top think tank of the Department of Defence in Britain.  It was published in the Guardian, 90 pages.  I’ve got the 90 pages on my website.  And this top think tank for the Department of Defence, also is the top one for NATO countries, all NATO countries, the US, Canada and so on.  And they foresee nothing by escalating riots from now on, up into the next thirty years.  And they’re prepared to use all means necessary to suppress these riots.  Now, what’s going to make the average person riot?  Well, we can see what’s going to happen, because now they want full control of all your food supply.  They have it.  Your water supply, your energy for keeping warm.  Everything that you are dependent upon for living.


Alex: Well, Alan, I want to get more into their control grid, and then what the world will look like if they have their way, after we take some calls.  But specifically, I want your expert opinion, because I really do respect your research.  It’s very, very accurate in all the areas I’ve looked into it, and of course, meshes with a lot of things I learned independently, and then I’ve learned some stuff from you as well, as we all learn from each other in this, you know, college of awakening that’s happening to counter the elites.  The elites then respond to us, and I’ve had them respond to me, openly, that, well you’re one of us because you are thinking, and then join our system.  But then, I don’t want to join their inbred, sadistic system, saying people are animals, survival of the fittest, that this is how you become dominant, you know, this is how you become the King Rex, you know the Rex Lex, or the Law of the Kings over the slaves is by feeding on the slaves, by feeding on the cattle.  I mean, I see the elites.  They do make mistakes.  I mean, their self-replicating system has been well oiled, an art form, works well, because they have the wealth amassed, and when they do make mistakes they never compromise and keep coming.  But where have they made mistakes?  Because they’re not gods, they do make mistakes.  This is a topic I’ve never really heard you talk about.  Where have they made mistakes and then readjusted their program?


Alan: They tried right after World War I to bring in the League of Nations to its full strength as a global government.  People were still too nationalistic.  They had their independent cultures.  They wanted to hang on to them.  And so it faded back into the background again.  Still a powerful organization, but in the background.  H.G. Wells talked about it, before World War II.  He said the people haven’t given up all their rights, they’re not war-weary enough.  He said we needed another war, a Second World War.  And sure enough, they got their Second World War.  And right after that, after they signed the last of the main charter in California, for their United Nations, the phoenix bird of the League of Nations, they wrote lots of books, I have them all here, printed at the time, by the big players, talking about the need to push immediately for global government, while the people were still war weary.  But it still didn’t take off enough, and so they went back to the drawing board and said, well, by the year 2010, 2012, we can bring the United Nations up through perpetual conflict, until it’s the only organization which can come forward and promise the people they’ll take care of them, the big paternal United Nations.  Now, the United Nations is not a democratic institution.  It’s unelected by the populace of any country.  It’s a dictatorial institution, and it’s already and it has been for many years passing laws which every government in the world simply takes and then passes into their national laws.  They’re already being built up to be the major country of the world.  Now, remember the department of agriculture at the United Nations has stated a few years ago that food is a weapon, and food has been used in the past as a weapon to control people.  That’s an ancient technique.  And you’re noticing now, oh my goodness, there’s massive wheat shortages across the world.  Then you go in, you link that to the Royal Institute of International Affairs and they have dozens and dozens of think tanks working on this global coming crisis, and they have had this for years, how to make it into a crisis.  So, they’re building up the United Nations to be the big paternal figure that’s going to take over from the national governments, and promise to take care of you.  They’ve laid their groundwork well.  They’ve had a hundred years now of gradually pushing themselves up to the top, and they will use food as a weapon.  Now, the Department of Agriculture at the UN stated that eventually all food for the entire world will come to them, and they will dish out so much per country, per capita.


Alex: And, of course, that’s being done.  Even under the same names or similar names.  Same bureaucracy internationally sets standards for the animal ID, the premises ID, one chicken dies you get $2,000 a day fines if you don’t report it.  Inspectors without warrants on your property.  But then the big poultry producers, they buy one tag per thousand chickens, for $10, but the small producers have to have one $10 tag per chicken or per pig, which then bankrupts them.  All of this being pushed in, all of this happening, the diabolical control grid going into place. 


Alan: And also, when they dish out food to nations, and that’s coming, they stated that it’s up then to the national leaders to keep their populations below a specific figure, because they will not be given extra rations.  Population control.


Alex: So they’re now artificially introducing this, because now big Agri has more than half of world food production, and the tolerances between what is a famine and what is a fat year are so small that they have easily gone in and created, and they brag about this, the atmosphere that has allowed this to happen.  Then they say, oh, we’ve got to have more UN, more international funding to feed the poor third world, and they really use that money for eugenics.


Alan: Yes, they do.  There’s no doubt about it.  They’ve decided a long time ago, and that’s what the human genome project was about, finding out who is superior, inferior, what type they’ll allow to come into the New World, the New World Order, and those who must perish.  And you’ve got to understand, their religion is much, much older than even Egypt.  It goes back even into India, and Hinduism.  And in Hinduist philosophy, at the end of the great cycle, the big age, they call it the oceans of theosophy, that’s how they call it, then all the inferior types die off, and they must die off, because only the superior types can be allowed to go through.


Alex: It’s holding back the planetary evolution in the whole neo-Darwinistic/yogi system.


Alan: Yes.  Darwin simply reiterated something that he and his family and all their members down through the ages had already believed in.  That’s right. 


Alex: I want to go to some calls, but let’s specifically get into the UN world government agenda, how far off you think they are.  We know they’re soft-kill poisoning the water, the vaccines, every new birth control always sterilizes or screws women up.  It’s always an accident.  The government then gives them liability protection.  We know that the Gates with Warren Buffet have given over $80 billion, and you know, the Gates family heads up Planned Parenthood.  IBM is a eugenics front, that’s mainstream history.  All of this going on, but when are they going to really start exterminating the Third World?  And we know AIDS is a soft-kill weapon, but it’s more of a test of how it would spread from the info that I’ve got.


Alan: We’re going to get hit, I think, with a whole bunch of things at the same time, because they want total chaos, the appearance of total chaos, to create ultimate terror, worldwide, so that we’ll truly come to our knees and beg them to help us, and then they’ll come forward with all their plans, which they just happen to have drawn up already.


Alex: And that’s why they’ve built, all over the world, giant underground bases, public everywhere but in the US, because we’re the most dumbed down.  Huge elite compounds for hundreds of thousands of people to live for decades.  Underground railways all over the world, under the Atlantic, in Europe, so that they can carry all this out.  This is their great dream.  This is their excitement.  And of course we see all the newest James Bond movies about killing people for their genetic information, or that was a James Bond before the last one.  The latest one is about government sponsored, or establishment sponsored terror for gain.  But we have Moonraker, where the elite industrialist, the trillionaire, wants to kill the Earth’s population while the elite go to space for a year, while the world’s population dies, so they can come back and then build the utopia. 


Alan: There’s no doubt about it.  Margaret Thatcher talked about this, because Man Alive program, I think it was back in the late ’70s, got wind of this agenda.  All NATO countries signed a certain deal, it’s still in effect, that when plague or nuclear fallout occurs over a certain area, they have to cordon off whole cities by three circles, and any individual trying to escape from his quarantined area is to be shot on site.  That’s enforced now.  Any person, any group of people who try to escape will be bombed with CS gas from the air.


Alex: And they’ve recruited 26,000 preachers in the US, close to half a million truck drivers, 23,000 executives, in Infraguard, all ready for this.


Alan: And Margaret Thatcher said, she was asked, what about you and your own class?  And she said, well, we’ll be fine, we have underground shelters for ourselves.


Alex: And that’s why the elites all live in certain areas.  A lot of elites live in Austin because out at Bergstrom there’s an underground railway, this is classified, by the way, folks, going out to Fort Hood.  It nexuses into the Southwest.  They admit these tunnel systems under DC, the old Brier Green, all over the East Coast, a lot of their main bases are actually out under the Atlantic Ocean, and we have this from inside sources, but a lot of it has been leaked. 


Alan: Yes.  And Thatcher was asked, well, what’s to stop the ordinary people from trying to break in and get in to escape and live in your bunkers, and your underground shelters?  And she said, we’ll have special forces, SAS and others manning all entrances, and they’ll be taught to, they’ll be told to shoot on site, anyone.


Alex: Well, they admit what all of the public bases have.  They have huge robotic turrets with nuclear blast proof camera pods that pop up, with machine guns, Howitzers, in case you come in with a tank.  They have multiple ones built into each redoubt, where there’s level after level that pop up, even if you assaulted it with tanks, more and more turrets just pop up.  Then there’s level after level of giant steel and concrete doors, where each level you blast through, there’s more troops waiting for you inside.  Then, even if you were able to take one of those bases, which is near impossible, even with an armored battalion, they would then just jump into their mine shafts, go in their underground railways, a thousand miles away to another base, and then of course, blow the tunnel behind them.


Alan: This is long-term planning.  The Rand Corporation were in charge of boring the tunnels with those huge machines they have. 


Alex: Hundreds of them bought in the early 1940s.  Thousands of locomotive.   What they declassified in the fifties tunneled four feet an hour.  And what do you think thousands of giant tunnel locomotives have been doing, ladies and gentlemen?  Swiss cheesing everything underground.


Alan: They can go at five miles per hour now, these particular machines.


Alex: Oh, five miles now?


Alan: Five miles, through any rock. Through any kind of rock.


Alex: That’s right.  I guess I was looking at the ’50s models that they’ve declassified.


Alan: Yeah, the obsolete ones.


Alex: My God, over a thousand vehicles, and last time I checked this was like six, seven years ago.  That’s what’s on purchase orders.  Imagine what’s secret.  What do a thousand locomotives that can tunnel five feet an hour, and let’s say half of them are broken, or, you know, being worked on at one time, what do a thousand locomotives, if you did that at five feet an hour, how much do you think they’ve tunneled, Alan?


Alan: I think they’ve been across the planet many times.  As I say, it was, they already had these machines in the ’40s, the late ’40s, and these machines were using some kind of atomic type power.


Alex: That’s right.  They have atomic locomotion, so there’s no gas in the tunnels. 


Alan: Yes.  And they can actually create so much heat without melting the superior alloy, but it will melt the rock as they pass through and form a solid casing round the tunnel.  They don’t have to go round and reinforce it when they pass through. 


Alex: But now, of course, in Switzerland they have underground bases for two years for the entire population.  Russia has it for one year.  But in the US, I grew up in Dallas, and they’re still there, it says nuclear fallout shelter.  I get to go with my family and die in the underground parking shelter.  That’s what Land of the Free, Home of the Brave gets with our tax money, whose even public budget is bigger than the entire world’s defence budgets together.


Alan: Yes.  Well, there’s no doubt, the US was given the mandate to take over from Britain, because of its tax base and its manpower base, factories and so on, to build the machinery for this whole world domination structure.


Alex: And that’s why they’re so arrogant, is that, imagine, there’s only, what, max a hundred of these families.  They’ve got about 3,000 servant families.   For those that don’t know, this is how history has always worked, even in Babylon or Egypt.  You have servant guilds, where even the kings and queens and old oligarchs themselves kind of become like Chinese princesses that are like queen ants that are just tended.  The real power is in the mechanism and the families that serve them.  Alan, from your study, would you say that’s accurate, the number of families and servant families we’re dealing with?


Alan: I think so.  Now, they have many, many helpers.  The technocratic society, with the scientific elite.  They truly believe they don’t need ordinary people anymore, as long as they have the scientific elite.


Alex: Yeah, from my study, isn’t the sub-technocratic elite, is about 20,000.  The upper technocratic elite is about 500, and then it plugs into larger bureaucracies of several thousand families, and then you have the prime directives going off of, what?  How long ago from your study did the elites finally codify the current eugenics program that we are under?   Because, you know, they do stick to plans.  They don’t seem to change them.


Alan: They never change their plans.  No.  Well, you can go back to the days of Thomas Malthus, who was the first one to come out on behalf of the elite.


Alex: Well, remember the Morlocks, written a hundred years ago, they live underground and control us the slaves on the surface, but go ahead.


Alan: Malthus worked for the British Crown and the British East India Company.  And the British East India Company was owned by the Crown.  And it was all members of the royal family.


Alex: The only licensee for global oceanic trade. 


Alan: Yes.  And he stated there that they’d have to start culling the population soon.  He was projecting into the future, a hundred, two hundred years.  He painted this picture of us all living on top of each other.  And the terrifying prospect that they saw was that there’d be too many of the commoners and we’d outbreed the elite.


Alex: And so they said, put us in tiny areas, and then poison us.  Use biologicals to get rid of us. 


Alan: Yes.  He had it worked out how to even infect certain types of parasites.


Alex: By the way, that was the 1750s.


Alan: Yes. And how to keep them on a minimal diet, malnourished, on a certain type of diet, so they couldn’t walk off to a new plantation to work.  They’d be too weak.


Alex:  Which goes back to the Japanese and British model that were very similar.  How do the Japanese feed into this?  Because analyzing the enemy attack profile, Alan Watt, of cuttingthroughthematrix.net, I have noticed that the Japanese have an even more advanced, more refined system.  And it seems that they, they, I mean this is an Anglo-American dominated enterprise, but it seems the Japanese have been given a place at the table.


Alan: There’s no doubt.  You have the old elite families too, of Japan, still well in control. 


Alex: And they publicly say they have given fealty for four hundred years to the Queen of England.


Alan: Yes, they have.  And they also had the Jesuits in there, who also helped them with their particular warrior type clans and their battle strategies.


Alex: Let’s talk about the Jesuits a little bit.  Let’s talk about how different groups fit into this. 


Alan: There’s no doubt, again, all these different conflicting, remember, this plan, which is ancient, has worked down through time.  It uses whatever groups are handy at that time.


Alex: But specifically, let’s get into the Catholic Church and the Jesuits. 


Alan: The Catholic Church, there’s no doubt about it.  The Jesuits initially were taught, now remember, Ignatius Loyola or Loyal Firestarter, really that’s what it means, was captured by the papacy, because he was raiding certain Catholic bands and plundering them.  And he eventually had a meeting with the Pope, this prisoner.  Whatever he said was very important, because he came out as the first, as they call it, Black Pope of the Jesuit Society.  And he had been a member of the Alumbrados, which is simply the Knights Templar branch that eventually lived in Spain.  So he was taught through the Knights Templars the strategy of using conflict, ever-lasting conflict.


Alex: Problem, reaction, solution, the dialectic.  And then they also claim they were fighting the Templars, didn’t they, when they really weren’t.


Alan: That’s correct.  And so, down through the ages the Jesuits were masters at going into areas where they wanted to disrupt the society, plan rebellions, and even getting different sides fighting each other, blaming the other, while they would keep themselves clean.  And they could go incognito, undercover, wear the clothes of the commoners.  Some of them were even allowed to use wives and live in the same villages and houses.


Alex: So we see a lot of espionage going on.  It was a clandestine, what we would call the CIA today.


Alan: And eventually, of course, during World War II, they blended with the CIA.  Malachi Martin talked about that.


Alex: And they were working both sides in the West and with the Nazis. 


Alan: Yes.  There’s no doubt about that.


Alex: Tell you what, let’s talk more about that and take calls after this quick break.  We’re going to take a break, and we will return on the other side with Alan Watt.  I’m Alex Jones and this is the one, the only Alex Jones radio network.  Stay with us.


(Commercial Break)


Alex: Alright, ladies and gentlemen.  We’re back live.  Maiden voyage here.  We’ll be here every day for a fourth hour, 11am-3pm Central standard time.  Going back to Alan Watt.  Alan, continuing, because people get confused by Protestant, Jesuit, Catholic, all these groups.  They set up the World Council of Churches, before that the National Council of Churches, the Rockefellers running it.  Same thing there where every major denomination is controlled by these people.


Alan: There’s no doubt about it.  They run all organizations to get them all appearing to be in conflict, but the whole process goes to resolution, a predetermined resolution that the public eventually accept.  So they use all advance type guards, conflicts, rebellious types, to steer the world.  They even use major wars in the same way.  During World War II, Joe Stalin was Uncle Joe.  Immediately after, they needed another enemy, and he became the Great Bad Bear.  And so they always have an enemy, because to keep control over masses of people, you must have war or the threat of war.


Alex: Alan, we’re going to have to have you back up for another two hours in the future.  I promised to go to calls.  Let’s go ahead and take some calls right now.  Let’s go ahead and talk with Steve in Colorado.  Steve, you’re on the air, welcome. 


Steve: Yes.  Hi, Alex.  Hello, Alan.  I have three questions regarding material that you’ve just mentioned, just some details.  First of all, do you know what the date was that you mentioned Eric Margolis wrote in the Toronto Sun about Gorbachev’s speech?


Alan: That was just before they announced the takedown.


Alex: I remember that was all over the news at the time.  You can dig that up.


Alan: Look into the Toronto Sun archives and you’ll find it there.


Alex: That was in 1991.


Alan: Eric Margolis.


Steve: Okay, Margolis.  Okay, very good.  Second question is, you had mentioned Margaret Thatcher’s tour of the world, I think you called it. 


Alex: New World Order, yeah.


Steve: Okay, what year was that?


Alan: It was in the early ’90s.  She spoke even in Massey Hall in Toronto, and the title of her talk was the New World Order.  In that talk, it was printed strangely enough, on a weekend.  I think the main editor was off, and a novice reporter was there.  It was very straightforward.  She talked about the parallel government which she now belonged to, that really ran the world.  It was printed in the Toronto Sun, again. 


Alex: Anything else, Steve?


Steve: You said that was Massey, Massey Hall in Toronto?


Alan: Yeah.


Steve: Okay, and the final question was, what is this group that you said that Ignatius Loyola belonged to?  I think you said Bratin or something like that.


Alan: It was the Alumbrados.  It’s Spanish for Illuminati.  Illuminati were there long before Adam Weishaupt.


Alex: Yeah, Adam Weishaupt was just one putsch or one junta that was launched out of Germany into France.  And then of course, they failed there, so they brought in Napoleon. 


Steve: Okay.  How are you spelling Brat, how are you spelling that word.


Alan: Alumbrados. 


Steve: I see.  Okay, very good.


Alex: Illumined.  Illumined, yeah.


Steve: Okay, Great.  Thank you very much.


Alex: Thank you sir, appreciate the call.  Let’s go ahead and talk to Leo in Mass.  Leo, you’re on the air, welcome. 


Leo: Mr. Watt and Alex.  Yeah, Mr. Watt, when you come on, I am afraid to call, because I don’t won’t to break your scheme of thought.  It’s so clear.  Anyway, I have one thing I wanted to say about my, I go around debunking World War II, and one of my prime methods is to use Dunkirk as to why he was just another controlled stooge.


Alex: Yeah, Heinrich Himmler and Herman Göring, the head of the Luftwaffe, allowed 300 and something thousand French and British troops, with their equipment to escape.  And they say it’s because Hitler loved them and liked them.


Leo: You know, a chess player doesn’t do that.  Anyway.  But my real thing is, I’ve been thinking recently about Joe McCarthy and the hearings.  Now, I think he was really onto something, but they said, oh, let him go, he’ll self-destruct, and that’s what happened.  I remember, he self-destructed in the public, and the whole thing died.  I am so furious that his handlers didn’t tell him to cool down and...


Alex: Let’s be clear, let me comment, let’s be clear about McCarthy.  He was a good guy.  He meant well, but he only thought it was a communist conspiracy, which they then used to take the general public’s freedoms and liberties in the nation, and create a you know, hysteria and fear as Alan said, enemy creation.  But as soon as he found the documents that the army, and that our government was funding the Soviets, he was totally destroyed instantly, because that was about to expose that communism was just a fake front, just like we knew from books that were written and inside people that Mao was put into power, in 1949, now it’s admitted on the History Channel, and they have the old CIA section chiefs, who are now dead, but videos of them admitting that they put Mao into power.  Alan Watt.


Alan: Yes.  And if you look into it too, what’s really interesting, you see, Adolf Hitler, for a long, long time he truly thought that Britain was going to, and he wrote about this, Britain would come on board.


Alex: Yeah, they had a secret deal and that’s why Albert [Rudolf] Hess parachuted in, in his full uniform, in England trying to meet with the king.  Go ahead.


Alan: Well, actually, he landed on Lord Lothian’s land.  Lord Lothian at that time was the head of the Royal Institute for International Affairs.


Alex: And he was supposed to be brought to the Royal Family, and he was saying, why are you breaking your deal.  Go ahead. 


Alan: That’s exactly what it was.  And he landed on Lord Lothian’s land.  He was the head of the Royal Institute at that time for International Affairs, and basically, he was saying, “what’s up?  We’re supposed to call it off now.”


Alex: Because the previous head, and I’m just adding this for listeners that don’t know, the previous head of course was Lord Milner.  And so he had set Hitler up.


Alan: And also too, in a book that’s called Fringes of Power, written by Churchill’s secretary, he said that Churchill was telling the public to go off and fight for their culture, their country and to save England, and meanwhile, at parties he was saying, this war is the greatest thing that ever happened.  We’ll get a United Europe out of this, our lifelong dream.


Alex: And then in ’49, he did the treaty of London, which really set up the EU, but then they officially set it up with the Treaty of Rome, 1947, and that’s why now we’ve seen the conversion of Tony Blair over to Catholicism, so he can head up a Catholic Europe.  But, people then want to say it’s a Catholic conspiracy.  No, the Catholic Church is a unit of this, I’m not debating its New World Order, I’m just trying to say that there’s groups above that, and people get mad at me.  They want me to say it is a Catholic conspiracy, Alan.


Alan: Yeah, I know.  There’s no doubt, you’ll use everything. 


Alex: And we’re saying it’s run by them.  There’s no debate here.  I mean, we’re saying that it’s near the top of the pyramid, but no, we’ve got to say it’s only Catholic and that the Protestants are good.  No, they’re run by the same thing. 


Alan: If you look into Milner’s groups, now Milner and with the Cecil Rhodes combination, with the Round Table groups, they created what they called the Young Turks, the Young Italians, the Young Zionist groups and so on.  All Revolutionary groups to bring in World Revolution.  So they used all existing types and members. 


Alex: And now it’s the La Reconquistas, here in the US. 


Alan: Same technique.


Alex: And that’s why you see big money, big network owners running billboards, almost 700 of them, at tens of thousands a piece in LA, saying LA is Mexico.  That’s why you see Absolut Vodka, with, you know, multi, you know $50 million ad campaigns saying the US belongs to Mexico.  They are funding it.


Alan: The Rockefellers were the first ones to come out and fund that particular group in Latin America.


Alex: Yeah, that’s just one microcosm.  Thank you, caller.  I really do appreciate your call.  Now, let’s go ahead and talk to David in Texas.  You’re on the air, David.


David: Hello.


Alex: Yes, sir.


David: How are you doing?  First of all, I want to congratulate you on your fourth hour.  I wish you the best of luck on that.


Alex: Please spread the word about it.


David: I’ll do my best.  I’m actually just calling in.  I don’t have any way of getting it.  I don’t have a working computer right now.


Alex: We’re going to have it on AM and FM stations and shortwave by next week.  Go ahead.


David: Yeah, is the daytime frequency 12180 or whatever?


Alex: 12160.


David: And maybe you can talk to Mike Jones or something about it.  Anyway, I had a couple of very quick comments.  I wanted to also put in my two cents worth on memoriam to Charlton Heston.  I actually appreciate his legacy overall.  No one is perfect, but he was a good man, and he meant well.  I agree with your take exactly on him. But I want to just briefly mention that, and we will miss him.  As someone who really is a Patriot and supports Conservatism, true Conservatism as you like to put it, and I agree with that, I think that we need to get back, I have a personal view that we need to get back to a more Constitutional government.  I have several proposals: term limits, reform in the electoral college, going back to having states pick the Senators, getting rid of the income tax.


Alex: All good.  All things the bankers put in in 1913.


David: Hard asset backed money as opposed to the phony funny money or fiat money we have now.  Term limits, balanced budget amendment requirement, property rights amendment against abuses by eminent domain, getting rid of asset forfeit through seizures. 


Alex: Excellent points, sir.  Do you have any comments or questions for Alan Watt?


David: Yeah.  I quickly wanted to mention, I appreciate the work that he’s done, and I listen to a lot of his work in broadcasting on other sources that he does regularly, and I appreciate his work in researching the New World Order.  The thing I think, why do these people think they’re entitled to this, one?  And two, what would he recommend average people do to band against bringing down the whole grand scheme they have of wanting to take over the world and do away with anyone other than their fellow elite?


Alan: The why is quite simple.  They’ve been in charge of this world for thousands of years.  And they’ve built up empires, and as they move out of one old empire they take their wealth with them and it collapses behind them as they move into the new.


Alex: Yeah, it’s parasites.  They come in, use it as an engine, attack the neighbors, get more lebensraum, get more land.  Then because they built up power in that nation, they have to destroy it, so that the sub-elite there doesn’t threaten them, and then they move on to the next group.  But finally, with a one world government, they can wage war against full humanity, through survival of the fittest, the social Darwinistic view that it’s the elite’s right and their responsibility to slaughter and kill the public.


Alan: Yes, and again, to combat this, when you realize the magnitude of it, because it’s your whole reality, it’s your whole indoctrination, it’s your daily indoctrination if you watch television.  Then you have to come to a decision on a personal basis first.  You don’t run out and just join a group and realize you’ve been fooled again.  You’ve got to change yourself, and you must be willing to stand up as an individual against whatever you see as right or wrong around you in society, regardless of what’s now politically correct, or what will be tomorrow.


Alex: Absolutely.  Let’s go ahead and take another phone call.  Let’s talk to, well there’s so many I can’t tell who to go to next here.  I tell you what, just air whoever you want.  We’re going to go to Bart in Houston.  Go ahead, Bart, you’re on the air.


Bart: Hey, Alex.  Hey, Alan.  It’s good to hear you guys talk.  You know, this last week Joseph Nigh came to Houston, Texas, and I had a chance to catch up with him at the World Affairs Council.  It’s kind of like a sub-group for the CFR to come out and introduce their indoctrination to, you know, the people that think they’re elites, all around the country.  And I really have to say, you know, I knew he was coming, so I did a lot of research, and I read up a lot on what he’s been writing about, and I think that what we’re really going to see, I really do think we’re going to see Obama or Clinton come in, because everything this guy is writing about, and this is the fonder of neo-liberalism.  He’s one of top ten policy thinkers.  He’s Bilderberg.  He’s head of the Trilateral, North American Trilateral Commission.  Everything he’s talking about is the need to recapture domestic opinion here, and public opinion abroad. 


Alex: Yeah, let me, let me add something to what you’re saying.  Congress has an 11% approval rating, even in their admitted polls.  That’s what I’m saying.  I’m a little more optimistic I think than Alan is sometimes, though he understands that they’re, and I understand they’re trying to even angle on that, and then they’ll create another counter-revolution to add even more fervor and blood and belief to energize their system.  They love having salesmen that really push their agenda in a well meaning way.  That’s very convincing and it gets through people’s instincts against evil.  So, it’s very sophisticated, but you’re right.  They are coming in and they’re very good at every city, even little towns have their own good old boys, boss hogs, people that think they’re the elites.  And that’s why they go along with it, because they’re well meaning people in most cases, and they believe, with the compartmentalized info that they’re given, that they’re part of some larger elitism, and that, you know, it’s not corruption, it’s somebody has got to control things.  And they are desperately right now, that’s what Obama keeps saying, Change, Change, make America know we can work together, you know, bring us back to the "process".  That means back to the controlled process.  Alan Watt.


Alan: Yes, that’s true, but we’ve got to remember too, that above them, as Carroll Quigley said, the new system that has come in is a feudal system, where the CEOs of major international corporations are now the new feudal overlords.


Alex: Well, that’s it, but what I’m saying is, the people are seeing through the political simulation that isn’t real.  And so, the people are seeing the matrix like never before.  I agree, we’re in the grid now, in the jaws, but again, I don’t think these enemies are gods like they think.  I think they can be defeated, Alan.


Alan: They can be defeated very simply.  And that’s simply by the majority of the public not going along.


Alex: Seeing the man behind the curtain.  Go ahead. 


Alan: Not going along with the agenda, and saying, no more.  No more.  We should be in charge of our own food.  We should be in charge of everything we need to live on an individual basis.  Not some remote multi-national globalist agri-business.  We have to have the right to retain that which we need to survive personally.  And when we have that back in our hands, then we have a voice, but not before.


Bart: Well, everything that this guy was talking about is pure Hegelian dualistic, you know, mind control.  I’ll let you guys go, but at the end of his speech, I walked over to him, and I leaned over while he was signing books, and I said, sir, can I ask you one more question.  And he didn’t look up at me, and he kept signing the books, and he said, yes, of course.  And I said, recently Zbigniew Brzezinski was quoted as saying the prospects for a New World Order had been put back 20 years by the missteps of the Bush and the Neo Conservatives.  And I asked him, and I said, do you agree with that assessment.  He set the pen down, and he turned, so he could look right at me, and he said, "We will recover".  And just the chill of how confident he was when he made that statement really has stuck with me.  So, I do think they can be defeated.


Alex: Yeah, here you are talking to a top globalist minion, a super gofer, and they’re point blank admitting it to you, and then you go tell the poor schmuck down the street, and they’ve been pre-programmed it doesn’t exist.  I really do appreciate your call.  Let’s go ahead now and talk to Dan in California.  Dan, you’re on the air, welcome.


Dan: Well, thank you sir.  And I really appreciate the work that you guys have done, Alex, especially your early work with the films, where you’re walking around exposing the UN plaques on National Parks and things like that.  My take is, or my question is, how do we get all of our legal capital together to simply restore the Constitution.  It all breaks down to a law enforcement problem. 


Alex: Well, the police have been militarized, brainwashed.  Even if a cop is good on average, on the ground, the system is predatory and wicked.  That’s why the White House came out and tried to in the open promote torture.  That was because they were already carrying it out, and they had people complaining inside their system, so they thought by just putting it in plain view, that would neutralize their own people thinking it was illegal.  So they have to always push the envelope, because they want to do this on a mass scale.  Alan Watt.


Alan: Yes, it will take something on the scale of the Tiananmen Square Massacre, where we stand in front of tanks one day.  That’s what’s coming.  That’s what’s coming.  Don’t kid yourself.


Dan: Hopefully we can avoid that.  But I just wanted to comment about, what do you think about the Royal Institute of International Affairs, it’s the Council on Foreign Relations?  Doesn’t that confer a title of nobility to its membership, and of course, in the Constitution it says, no state shall grant title to nobility, but I believe it also says that no elected official to congress.


Alex: Yeah, let me comment on that in the interest of time, and then Alan can.  We’ll take a few final calls.  The Logan Act says that our politicians, state or federal, can’t go to meetings where policy is being set and private interests are there secretly, or without publicly admitting they’re going or going, you know, with Congress’s approval.  But, Hillary, Bill, the Bushes, before they were in power, Tony Blair, they all do it.  Now, we see them exercising corruption in front of us.  We’ve seen both Hillary, and we have seen John McCain, go to Rothschild meetings, and other public meetings, and be given hundreds of thousands of dollars for going and speaking at those meetings, for their campaign, illegal, out in the open.  So, they’re publicly setting the precedent that, if you run for county commissioner and violate one little letter of the law, you’re going to go to prison.  But, if you’re the big politician, they can do what they want.  So that is selective enforcement.  And then, as for titles of nobility, the British did set up the CFR, but it’s not a public title of nobility, it is a really, an intelligence agency, operating, where they give you favors if you serve them, at the heads of banking, academia, media, government, at state and federal and international liaison, state department type level.  Alan Watt.


Alan: Yes.  In fact, I think it was Quigley also, who described what a technocrat was.  A technocrat is someone who works behind the scenes, not elected generally, but has the real power in the parallel government to make decisions.  He’s not responsible to the public for comeback.


Alex: Yeah, they’re the experts.  They’re the thinkers. 


Alan: Yes.  And so you’re right with the professors.  I looked at the Trans-Humanist agenda, their big global meeting recently, and every major professor from across the planet, from universities, they happened to attend.  Every big person was there.  These are the sellout prostitutes who believe they’re going to be allowed to come into this New World Order and be saved with their families because they have superior genes and intellect.  And that’s why they’re all working fervently towards the same goal for their masters.


Alex: Publicly writing books about it, and then the general public has been preconditioned by them it doesn’t exist, like you tell children.  We’re all treated like children.  They’ve trained us to have an extended childhood.  Let’s go ahead and talk to Mike in Illinois.  Mike, you’re on the air. 


Mike: Hey, how you doing, Alex?


Alex: Good, sir. 


Mike: You know, I just want to say, thank you for you, Jesse Ventura, Ron Paul, all these people helped open up my eyes within the past month.  I had no idea of any of this.  I served in the military, and now I’m a disabled veteran.  And I actually served under a command where I had a commander and a master chief who was a Freemason.  And there were certain things that I wouldn’t be able to do or say, because of subjecting my rights.  But I wanted to thank you guys.  And then, I also had a question.  The question was, state militia, independent state militias, do you, are we for them, are we against them?  I mean, what’s their status.   I mean, don’t they represent the Constitution?


Alex: No, no, it’s, I mean, I mean, we need to have a state militia, an organized one and then an unorganized one.  And that’s why you see the elites going after that.  But the elite knew that we needed an armed mass of citizenry to basically kill the Native Americans.  And of course most of the founding fathers believed in it.  They were good guys, but they were being manipulated too.  So, for a time we were allowed to be armed, because they were going to populate the frontier with families.  And so, it was kind of going into a militarized Spartan type society.  And the elites even said, it’s the New Atlantis.  This will be the new Sparta, and so we were allowed to be armed.  Now, the Spartans took it over, and so now they’re bringing us back in to the amalgamation, and it’s all being slaves.  Alan Watt.


Alan: There’s no doubt.  They can allow you to create real estate out of swamplands and take all that hard work back from you, a hundred, two hundred years down the road.  They’re long-term planners, intergenerational planners.  What the Lord giveth, the Lord taketh away.  That’s their own little motto.  And they believe they’re the Lord.  So, yeah, they can take everything from you that you think is your natural right.


Alex: Yeah, that’s right.  In the Bible they took out the word Yahweh and, or Yah, and replaced it with Lord, which was the ancient European term of, you know, God.  Which is their name.  They are the lords.   Lord Vader.


Mike: Okay.  And then, one final statement.  I just want to say that not a day goes by where I don’t tell at least three people and try to notify them what the New World Order is, and in a polite and reasonable manner, so I don’t look like I’m just some theorist, but without presenting the facts, so.


Alex: Alright, thank you sir.  Got to jump.


Mike: Thank you so much.


Alex: Mike in Wisconsin, you’re on the air, go ahead.


Mike: Yes.  I was just going to say that these groups that you guys try to illustrate here, they’re usually confusing and mysterious to try to pinpoint who they are.  And I’ve found that two great Patriots.


Alex: Let me just stop you.  You have the elite, the global elite that understand how humans operate, the first psychologists, the first psychiatrists, who made a study of how humans operate.  And then they can infiltrate anybody, any hierarchal organization, any system, and take control of it, and then even play different sides of their own mechanism off against each other, because they know that you want the illusion of choice.  And so, they’re in the Masons, they’re in the Catholics, they’re in the Protestants, they’re in the governments, they’re in the corporations, like for like.  The elite congregate with the elite.  The elite go to the same schools.  The elite go on vacations together.  Alan, you want to explain this to him?


Alan: They call it the circles, the circles of influence.  That circle that you move amongst is your circle of influence.  Now, Margaret Thatcher talked about it when she took public money and put it into the private school system for the wealthy elite, and she justified it by saying, these are your future leaders.  They will grow up together. They’ll be in politics, business, CEO positions, and she says, we must keep them going.  And that’s how she rationalized taking the public money to fund private schools for the wealthy. 


Alex: And then the elite also are scanning through the whole public school system, finding the best minds, and then making, the stories.  We’ve had like Dr. Cuddy on, and others, and you’d have these elite individuals, you know, with the best test scores, say in Wisconsin at the government university.  And then, all the sudden, David Rockefeller would fly in, and just be in the lunch line and walk up and sit down next to the young man, saying we want you to come work with us. 


Alan: That’s how they picked Maurice Strong. 


Mike: Well, what I was going to say though is that I think two people in history have illustrated very well who these elite are, two of them being Benjamin Friedman and Jack Bernstein.


Alex: Benjamin Friedman and Jack Bernstein.


Mike: Which I have transcripts of them on my website.


Alex: Oh, you’re that stupid twit. 


Mike: Yep, I’m that twit.


Alex: You look like such a weak little punk, man.


Mike: Thank you.  I appreciate it, Alex, I appreciate it.


Alex: Hey, take care, weakling. 


Mike: Thank you.


Alex: Why don’t you come up to New York next time I’m up there?  I’ll be up there this year.


Mike: I’ll see you.


Alex: I’ll be there.


Mike: I’ll see you.


Alex: You hear me, I’m going to be there.


Mike: I’ll be there the third time this year.


Alex: Good, you come up and talk to me. 


Mike: Alright, we’ll have a little discussion. 


Alex: Good, punk.  You little cowardly piece of crap.


Mike: (Laughter)


Alex: Hey, coward, I’m going to be in New York.  You hear me punk?


Mike: Hey, Alex, Alex, it’s alright man.  You can calm down, dude.


Alex: No.  F*ck you.  F*ck you.  This is the real radio show, punk.  You just go ahead and come up there you little cowardly, soft twit.  I dare you to come up to me in New York, you little punk.  You little weak punk.  You’re a coward, and you’re not going to be there, you little punk.  Let him go.


Mike: (Laughter)  Bet you I will. 


Alex: Okay, punk.  I’ll see you there.  All these guys.  I’ve told everybody, I’m taking the gloves off.  Excuse me, Alan.


Alan: I get the same ones.  I get the same ones on my shows phoning in too.  And often they do it in tandem, from one end of the country, and one of their buddies, at the other end of the country, will phone up immediately after them.  And they push their little agenda.  And I’m telling you, a lot of these guys don’t realize, the books that they are reading were put out by the CIA.


Alex: No, no, no.  I mean, the reason is, that wasn’t me just getting mad and losing control there.  I’ve announced to everybody, that I’m really going to be myself, and it’s probably not good, because a lot of kids listen to me, and I know, I probably shouldn’t get mad at people.  I am for real.  I believe in what I’m doing.  You know, I make films about exposing the New World Order.  I expose what Israel does.  I expose what the Vatican does.  And it’s key that we understand that it’s all these groups being run by the same people, if we’re ever going to stop this.  And you know, these people send me threatening videos, they send me comments, they say all this stuff, so I want them to know, that all of them, that this is the real deal, that this is reality.  And it’s come out in so many things that Nazis and other groups have been funded by the government.  They want to do that.  They want to make this information unpalatable.  They want to tie it to attacking certain religions or attacking certain racial groups so they can then stop us from actually waking the people up.  Alan.


Alan: You divide and conquer.  It’s the old story.  Divide and conquer.  Have everyone fighting everyone else.  Meanwhile, the big boys march ahead while you’re all fighting each other.  It’s a simple technique. 


Alex: Absolutely.  Well, this is the new radio show, ladies and gentlemen and the gloves are off.  In fact, we can always go over here too if we want, but I actually am going to not be profane.  I’m not usually.  I just, you know, just, things are so serious.  The world is falling apart so bad, that I am just turning the heat up, Alan.  I mean, I just feel in my gut that we’re hurdling towards major collapse, major calamity.


Alan: We are.  There’s no doubt.  This is not a show.  It’s a revelation of what’s coming, and this is where we are right now.  We’re in a battle for our lives. 


Alex: Absolutely.  Well, all I’ve got is my genuineness.  All I’ve got is that I really believe and research what I say, and I really care about the innocents.  I mean, the elite are sick.  If they are such great elite they should want to build up humanity and go to the stars.  Instead, in real eugenics, they actually target the intelligent and try to mutate the entire middle class, just so they can keep their hegemonic power, and that makes me angry.  And you do have this, you know, eugenics, this whole eugenics agenda, that’s being pushed, and it just makes me angry. 


Alan: It is.  And it’s published wide out in the open, with the Trans- and Post-Humanist agenda.  And there’s nothing hidden anymore.  And as I say, we’re in a battle for our very lives here, and the children’s lives too, for everyone.  Everyone who went before us, that made us who we are, and those who can come after, is in the balance right now.  And we’re the only ones with the information that can fight this at the moment.  The next generation are too young.  They’ve had too much indoctrination.  They can’t do it.  It’s up to us. 


Alex: Absolutely.  Absolutely.  Let’s go ahead though, and for a few minutes, Alan, can you stay over about another 20 minutes, take more calls?


Alan: Sure.


Alex: Let’s get into Israel.  Because I made a film about how Israel attacked the U.S.S. Liberty, trying to sink it, to blame it on Egypt, and then I’m told that that film is a lie, and that I’m saying Israel is good.  No, I just added that our government was involved working with Israel.  That’s like if two guys rob a bank, and I say that there were two guys there, and people say, no there’s only one.  No, there was a white guy from Texas, called LBJ and there was also Israel.  And I make a film about it, and then, that last twit that calls in says, you’re covering up for Israel.  That’s intellectually bankrupt.  That’s not reality to say when I daringly in a high profile, make a film, exposing Israeli sponsored terror, and I go through all the crap that comes with that, they then, the agents or people influenced by agents, and I think this is weak minded people.  Most of them are just mocking birds, who repeat, then they come and tell me that I’m covering something up.


Alan: Well, again, hatred is so easy to instill, and hatred blinds.  And a lot of people who have brought up on a steady diet of stuff, again, churned out by the CIA that runs most of the white supremacist groups, then it’s impossible for most of them to break out of their own conditioning and see the bigger picture.  And yet, if you go into the writings of the governor, Lieutenant Governor, for Palestine at the time, 1930s, ’20s-’30s, when they were setting up Israel, Lord Storrs, wrote a book called Orientations, and in it, he said, that we the British are setting up a new Ulster, he said, in the Middle East.  Now, if you understand the history of Ulster, it’s when the British government, the Crown, set up an organization, mainly of Protestants, to go in as overlords of Ireland.  And that’s been a conflict, a thorn in the side of the Irish for centuries ever since.


Alex: And the British have been caught staging terror, over and over again, as a pretext to stay there.


Alan: Yes.  And so they did the same technique.  They set one up.  The British funded and set up the organization of the new Israel, and it was a mandate for them.  They took millions of troops away from the front lines in World War I, and brought them into Palestine to make sure that these new immigrants, mainly from Russia, by the way, were allowed to settle.  The ones who settled initially were primarily hard-line Communists, and many of them said that they left Russia because it was not Communist enough.  That’s not Judaism.  That’s a Communist line, and people have to recognize the difference.


Alex: Absolutely.  And people out there need to understand, there are powerful Israelis, in positions of power all over.  And no one has ever denied that that’s going on.  I mean, I made films and wrote articles six, seven years ago, about Israel creating fake Al Qaeda groups, staging it.  Just like I’ve exposed what the Vatican is involved with.  And again, people out there say you’ve only got to harp on one group or nothing, and it just is frustrating to me, because I understand that it is hooked in, it’s like a hydra, and if you don’t attack the heart of the hydra, you’re never going to be able to chop off all its heads, because it just grows new ones. I mean, can you break that down, Alan?


Alan: Well, it’s true.  You see the simplest way to take the heat off yourself if you have a name for conquest and being an empire builder, is to get another group to settle in an area that you want to conquer.  And that’s why they funded and set up this new Israel.  It’s really an arm of the same system. 


Alex: And that’s why they’re setting up a La Reconquista movement in America’s Southwest.


Alan: Same thing.


Alex: And again, I don’t dislike Mexicans.  I want to be their friends.  I don’t dislike Jews.  I want to be their friends.  They’re being manipulated and controlled by the subgroup that hooks into the larger pyramid that feeds and controls on them.  And it’s come out in Zionist documents, and we’ve always talked about this, that, and even Jews have written best-selling books on it, that Israel, as it was being set up, it was being set up before ’47 ladies and gentlemen, that they made deals with Hitler, the Zionists did, to not let Jews out, if they wouldn’t go to Israel.  And disgusting comments about a cow in Palestine is worth more than all the Jews in Germany or Poland.  And that makes me mad.  That makes me angry.  And just like the Mexicans have been enslaved, you know, the difference is, I’m not going to sit here and attack Jews and attack Catholics and attack Mexicans, all these groups have been used.


Alan: They have been used and I tell people, be careful of the fact that you have a culture that you’re tremendously proud of, because that can be used against you.  They use tribal instincts against you.


Alex: Exactly.  Talk about tribal instincts.


Alan: Tribal instincts are so well studied.  These characters are ethnologists and zoologists at the top.  They’ve studied us forever, for thousands of years.  And when there’s trouble, the men automatically stand up to preserve the tribe.  And therefore you have your tribal emblems.  Now it’s flags today, and uniforms, and patches and badges.  And whenever you see them, you automatically go into a tribal fight mode.  And it’s the same thing.  They use Judaism in Israel as a Patriotic thing, to they’ll fight to the death, etc, etc.  It’s nothing to do with the fulfillment of a Bible prophecy.  It’s an extension of a military policy of world conquest.


Alex: And again, the elites see themselves as great because they see it as cold-bloodedly scientific. 


Alan: They do.  And they know it will work very well.  The greatest way to get people battling is to put two different cultures together in the same little confined area and supply them with arms and let them go at it.  And then the Big Boys step in and say, “gee, we have to take over.  Look at the trouble you’re causing.  You can’t settle your differences.”  That will come eventually. 


Alex: Absolutely.  We’re going to take a few final calls and then let Alan Watt get out of here, but this is such a fun interview here, we’ll keep going.  Jason, you’re on the air from Nevada, go ahead.


Jason: Hey, Alex.  Oh my gosh, it’s an honor.  Alan, it’s an honor.  I have to say my eyes have been opened.  I just have to really say that, and I’m aware of the New World Order and the police state is coming. 


Alex: Oh, it’s here.


Jason: And I’ve got to say, I’ve got to say, just like what you were just saying, I have no emotional attachment to my culture, but I am in a tribal mode right now for my country, right now.  I’m getting in the enemy mode for my country, because it’s in jeopardy. 


Alex: Well, I defend the US because of this, it’s better than anything else we’ve got, and the globalists are now wanting to get rid of this tribal unit, and so, if it blocks the globalists and their operation, yes, we tribally can defeat.  Alan, do you agree that tribal structures certainly still have their uses?


Alan: They have their uses, and also, again, because they are natural instincts, they can be abused.  Because they’re natural instincts, they can be motivated too for the right reasons.  As long as we don’t follow the wrong people.  And you see, the United States is the driving engine for this whole globalist agenda.  We find that Kipling wrote a poem, where he said, we hand over the torch to you.  He read that in the US Senate, meaning the US was to take over the financing and the manpower for the armies that would eventually bring this global system together.  And, I think the answer to all of this lies within the US itself.  If it can regain some, or hold onto some, or bring to the fore some of its real morality that was there a hundred years ago.  People were incredibly decent from the United States.  They had a tremendously good culture.  During the Great Depression, when people were abused and used by the elite again, there was no robbery amongst people.  They helped each other out, even though they lived in tents.  They had such a great, cohesive culture.


Alex: That’s right, once they developed.


Jason: Absolutely.  Absolutely.


Alex: Exactly.  They use wars to get us into that violent, dirty mode, and then you never really get out of it.  Then, once you’re even around your fellow tribe, you fight with each other.  And I get in a tribal mode. You know, earlier, it makes me mad, because you’ve got some self-righteous individual that calls in, and it makes me mad, because they really believe in what they’re saying, and then they say things about me that are a lie, and so it makes me mad, and so I apologize for being mean and even cussing at people.  I’m just letting folks know that I’m the real deal.  All I have is who I am.  I’m putting my life on the line.  I’ve been physically attacked before over this.  I get death threats over this, and I’m tired of people self-righteously telling me I’m wrong, when I really do what I do from my heart.  I mean, this is the real me. This is what I believe.


Jason: And that last guy was ignorant too.  I mean, I’m sure he gets off from being misinformed. 


Alex: No, no.  Not even that individual, people he supports, you know, have done radio shows where they say, you know, that I’m a pedophile.  I mean, it’s just the ultimate lying crap.  And if I had time, and I don’t, I would sue people in France and things over that kind of stuff.  You know, and I might go after Terd-Schmidt.  You know, but I don’t have time.  I say, well can I fight the New World Order, or do I fight this mentally ill schizophrenics.  And I appreciate your call.  I’m not even talking about the last guy who called.  I appreciate your call.  I was watching some clip last night of a guy that was clearly a schizophrenic.  And I was laughing, and then I stopped laughing, because it wasn’t funny.  I mean, this schizophrenic was video taping out his window, thinking that people loading their cars with stuff or mowing their yards were gang stalking him.  And then he went back and got on his youtube and was saying I was a CIA agent.  And in a way it’s fricking scary, man.  I mean some of these people are bonker, cuckoo, cocoa-puffs.  There’s this one guy that says the Catholics do it all, run it all.  And this guy, somebody sent me a clip where he says the earth is on a pinwheel and goes on a string up and down.  And that the sun orbits the earth.  I mean, that’s the problem, Alan, why a lot of people won’t listen to us, is because our movement is just filled with nuts.  But the culture is.  Just because the mainstream media is lying, just because the mainstream media, you know, is out there spinning and doing things, well, then we look at the other culture.  Just because somebody is saying something different from the mainstream media, doesn’t mean it’s automatically true.  Can you talk to nutballs?


Alan: Well, you can’t.  That’s just it.  And of course, they’re encouraged, and we’ve got to remember too, this is very, very important, there is a cyber war going on.  It’s been published in the newspapers in Canada.


Alex: Pentagon, yeah. 


Alan: And, for the last few weeks, for instance, they’re attacking people’s sites and so on, and bringing you down.  However, part of the divisions of this particular cyber war that they’ve had in place, is to fund certain people to cause this kind of mayhem and to attack the talk show hosts that are speaking out against the agenda.  So, they’re funding and training some of them to do this. 


Alex: Continue, Alan.


Alan: So, we’ve got to be very, very careful.  And they work.  They’re coordinated.  I’ve had them phone into my shows.  And I’ll let someone speak, and then I’ll try to go on to the next one, and immediately, it’s another one of his friends across the other side of the country, with the same pablum, and you know it’s a coordinated effort, to try and close you down, under the hate laws.  I’m well aware of what they’re doing. 


Alex: Yeah, that’s another thing.  Number one, I don’t believe the exact paradigm they’re putting out, because it’s bigger than that, but number two, why should I jump into the trap of what the enemy wants? 


Alan: Exactly.


Alex: I mean, they’ve been caught creating these fake klan groups, and white supremist groups, and a lot of people saying Israel runs it all, they’re not racist, you know, themselves.


Alan: There was a program put out on the British television.  I think it may also have been Man Alive, back in the 1970s, and the camera team followed police raids on five different white supremacist groups in different cities.  One of the main places they raided had guys dressed up in Nazi uniforms and all the rest of it.  Two hundred people inside.  They took them all outside in the raid.  At the end of the night there was only three of them arrested.  They found out there were so many, all the rest of the people attending, including the leaders, worked for CIA or FBI or one of the many other organizations.  And they didn’t know they were all attending.  Only three of the guys had walked in off the street for a coffee.  They were the guys who got arrested.


Alex: Well, I mean, that came out in the, it’s come out everywhere, but German intelligence, in fact, that’s in the Ed Koch interview we posted, where we put all the articles as I told him about it, and he denied it, runs, founded the Neo-Nazi groups that have been caught firebombing Turks and others.  And then when reasonable Germans say we have a social welfare system, we can’t have unlimited foreigners here, that will bankrupt us, they can go, oh, you’re the ones that want to firebomb Turks. 


Alan: That’s right.


Alex: You know, that make sure and target and firebomb the exact apartment building that’s full of kids.  That’s the same thing.  I mean, it happens over and over again.  They were trying to pass hate laws in Idaho about a decade ago, and there was this Nazi group out hailing Hitler, and it found out their donation P.O. Box was owned by a rabbi.


Alan: Yes.  That’s happened in Canada too.  There was one rabbi in Montreal that was caught selling drugs to the local people, and his excuse was that it was to be sent to Israel.  We’ve had these kinds of incidences happening as well.  See, this is what I’m saying, if you belong to any group, be very, very careful who your leader is, because they can completely mislead you.


Alex: Well, that’s why I’ve never created groups.  That’s why I’ve always just told people, here’s my ideas, here’s my guests, people I trust, folks that I think have good info, or sometimes enemy guests we have on to expose them.  And then I just say, it’s an idea, of liberty and freedom, and getting outside of the cage, getting outside of the grid, getting outside of the cave, getting outside of the walls.  And that doesn’t even mean believing what I’m saying.  And anybody who comes up with these orthodoxies of I’ve got to say it’s the Catholics, or I’ve got to just say it’s the Jews, A. from my research that’s not the case, but B. you know, B. expanding on all of that, I’m not going to go off of some orthodoxy, and I’m not telling people to go off my orthodoxy. 


Alan: And you remember too, and you’ve spoken about it yourself, how the Pentagon brought in all those preachers, Christian preachers, telling them to go out and demand that their flocks follow into this New World Order and go along with it.  Well, we’ve got to understand, they’ve gone to rabbis too, and all other cultural leaders.  So, be careful if you belong to a cultural group.  Your religious leaders might be part of the whole agenda too.


Alex: Absolutely.  Let’s take four or five more calls, fast, then we’re out of here.  Maggie in Texas, you’re on the air.


Maggie: Oh, hello Alan and Alex.  I think this is an appropriate time to mention that last week, Rabbi David Weiss, the head of the Neturei Karta or Jews against Zionism spoke on the UT campus, and it was a very, it was a very good speech.  And I think he would make a good guest, and you could probably get him.


Alex: Yeah, that’s an idea.  Let’s get him on.


Maggie: Would you like me to track down his contact info for you?


Alex: I think I know how to contact him.  They’ve got, what, jewsagainstzionism.com?


Maggie: Jewsagainstzionism.com, truetorahjews.com, I think they’re the same website.


Alex: And all they do is actually follow what the Old Testament says, that they aren’t going to have Israel until basically the Messiah comes.  And that’s what the Bible says.


Maggie: Exactly.  That’s exactly what he was saying, and he made that point over and over, long-windedly at times, but there’s no doubt that he’s very...


Alex: Well, they also talk about how the Zionists made sure that the religious Jews couldn’t get out of Germany.  Thank you for the call, Maggie, I appreciate that.  I’m going to move really quick here now.  Let’s go ahead and talk to John in Florida.  Go ahead, you’re on the air with Alan Watt.


John: Hi, Alex.  I just wanted to first say don’t apologize for getting angry with that fool that called you earlier, because you’re right.  And I just wanted to thank you for lashing out at people like that. 


Alex: Well, I lash out, because you know, I don’t like people who sit there, not even so much that guy, but other people talk about my family.  And I mean, it’s dangerous, because, because, I’m not a litigious person, but I have sued people before.  A local talk show host did some stuff, I sued him.  I mean, I spent like 15 grand.  The local access people were trying to shut down free speech, I sued them, and sent the director to prison when we found dirt.  I had PIs on him.  I had a guy stalking my sister because of me.  I sued him, and he ended up going to jail after he violated the restraining order.  I mean, dude, I don’t play around, but things are so serious now, that I ignore a lot of this stuff, but then I can’t be, and then some idiot talk show host, who claims he’s a lawyer said, well, defence of you know libel and slander is the truth, and blah, blah, blah, you’re a public figure.  No, if there’s malice of forethought and the intention to hurt people, then you can sue them, and you can destroy them.  And so that’s what people need to know, is that maybe I need to make an example out of a few people, who sit there and make crap up about me.  Maybe I need to drag them through the court system, so they find out, and stick their butt on the stand, and say, okay, now you go ahead and prove this incredible statement you made.  This incredible statement that you have made.  Alright, it’s a bunch of them.  The Catholic people have said it, the ‘Jews did it all’ group have just said the worst crap you can about me, and I’ve literally been, I’ve even called my lawyer and had the process going, and then said, no, no, stop, stop, because I go fast.  I put PIs on people immediately, so I can hit them with a process server, you know, so I can get them immediately.  It’s just, and I’m not a litigious person.  I don’t want to spend 15 grand.  But the thing is, I don’t worship money, so I will spend it.  Alan.


Alan: Yeah, I mean, eventually you get stalked.  I get the same problem.  I get phone stalkers and all the rest of it.  And it might not be a bad idea to grab one of these guys, and find out on the stand, exactly what group is financing him to do it. 


Alex: And a lot of times, they won’t even know.  They’ll have someone who is an agent handling them.  But a lot of times they’re just mentally ill people.  Anything else, caller?


John: Yes.  Actually I wanted to talk to Alan too.  Thank you, Alan, for your work.  You’ve really expanded my understanding of what’s going on.  And I’ve just been listening to you for a week.  And I have a question for you.  Do you believe that there is a god?   And if so, where is god in all of this?  And is there any hope coming from him?


Alan: I think that god helps those that help themselves.  And why should any deity help anyone who’s going to sit on their rear end and allow all this to happen?  I don’t think so.  I think you have to be active too.  I think that’s the only way your creator would eventually help you, if you’re worth saving.  If you’re not going to save yourself, no one else is going to do it for you. 


John: Good point.  Thank you very much for answering my question.


Alex: Alright.  Good to hear from you my friend.  Just a few more calls and we’re going to let you go, Alan.  Boy, what a show.  I mean, I told people that I was going to let it all hang out on this show, at least for the next few weeks, until we actually go up on the satellite and the AM and FM dial, but I’m still going to even warn the stations, the fourth hour is going to be a lot hotter, a lot more serious.  I mean, I’ve never held back on my info, but I’ve held back on, you know, really telling it like it is, really going after folks.  And plus, I’m eating a lot healthier, I’m jogging again, and I’m almost scared to get in shape, because that’s when I really get aggressive, and start, you know, I’ve got a lot of testosterone folks.  I appreciate you spending time with us today.  In fact, I’m going to go run right after this show is over.  I just can’t wait.  I’m sorry, Alan.  I’m pretty fired up.  You know I’m a wild man, don’t you, Alan?


Alan: I know.


Alex: That’s why though it’s good to have you on.  You’re very calm, cool, and collected my friend.  You know, we’ve got to get you a show over at Genesis.  The problem is, you’ve got to actually track Ted down, and get him to get you on, instead of the other way around, networks calling you up getting you on, because I was on Talk Sport a few weeks ago, and they asked me what I thought of you, and I just said, you’re one of the best people out there, because it’s just all documented info.  Let’s take three more and we’re out of here.  Let’s go ahead and talk to David in Texas.  Go ahead, David.


David: Hello.


Alex: Yes, sir.


David: How are you all doing, again?  What is the, what do you think is the best thing that the Patriot Movement should do at this time, given we’ve got three candidates, none of them are really going to help this country.


Alex: It’s all a big distraction, run around like a chicken with your head cut off, waking up everybody you can about the matrix false paradigm.  Just tell them to think for themselves.  There’s a lot of evil going on.  Warn them about martial law, expose false flag terror, their favorite tool of problem, reaction, solution.  Break that mechanism, their favorite mechanism, before they use it.  Alan.


Alan: Yes.  And I would also, and it’s something that I’ve told people.  They should demand that anyone who you’re going to give power over you, any politician, even a school board, given power over your children.  You better demand to know all their credentials and every organization they belong to, and have sworn allegiance to, must be put on the table for the public to see.  You’ll have a shock, to find out the institutions that they all belong to. 


Alex: Absolutely.  Don’t just trust the people that run the government schools.  Get them out of the government schools.  You’re going to find out that it’s very, very serious.  And just by getting involved in the system, that will gum them up.  Their system is based on formulaic, top down, horizontal integration that is centralized.  You break the pyramid by decentralizing it and just doing things that are unpredictable and against their system.  Alan Watt.


Alan: Yeah, you go for the foundation.  That’s it.  That’s the cornerstone at the bottom.  Not just the capstone at the top.  You take the cornerstone away, and that thing now is unwieldy.  It will eventually collapse.  So you keep chipping away there.  Find out who they are, what they’ve sworn allegiance to.  You’ll find that they’re all in some kind of higher Freemasonic association.  And you’ll find it’s male and female, and they’ve sworn allegiance to the same agenda.  And you check out the writings of Pike and others, you’ll find that ultimately, between the lines, he’s giving you the same as the Communist Manifesto, the abolition of private property, the abolition of traditional family, the abolition of everything that once was normal. 


Alex: Absolutely.  Alan Watt, cuttingthroughthematrix.com.  You’ve got audios, videos, a lot of great stuff on youtube and google video.  Just google Alan Watt, W-A-T-T, or cuttingthroughthematrix.net.  I really appreciate you spending more than two hours with us.  And I look forward to having you back on in the near future. 


Alan: It’s been a pleasure, Alex. 


Alex: Take care.  There goes Alan Watt.  I’m a maniac.  This is what happens when I start doing four hours and twenty-two minutes of radio, so far today, and we’re going to be ending the show here in just a moment.  We’re working the bugs out.  We didn’t have problems with our servers today, sending out the video to the prisonplanet.tv members, with the document cam and the video cam and the cam of myself.  We’re going to be upgrading it, expanding it.  We had problems in house with the T-1 and the cable modem getting it out to you, so there’s some blips there, but we’re going to encode this, clean it up, and upload it for prisonplanet.tv members by this evening, and then we’ll be back live tomorrow, 11am until 3pm.  And the fourth hour will be video, and we’ll take calls in that hour, and have special guests on as well.  Throughout the week we are going to be here.  Everybody, take care.  And I will see you at infowars.com and prisonplanet.com. Great job to the technicians and crew and engineers and the producer.  Fabulous job.  Great job, Aaron. Talk to you soon, ladies and gentlemen.  I’m going to end you with a shot of Aaron out the window. 


Alan's Materials Available for Purchase and Ordering Information:


"Cutting Through"
  Volumes 1, 2, 3


"Waiting for the Miracle....."
Also available in Spanish or Portuguese translation: "Esperando el Milagro....." (Español) & "Esperando um Milagre....." (Português)


Ancient Religions and History MP3 CDs:
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Blurbs and 'Cutting Through the Matrix' Shows on MP3 CDs (Up to 50 Hours per Disc)


"Reality Check Part 1"   &   "Reality Check Part 2 - Wisdom, Esoterica and ...TIME"